Božićne priče / Christmas stories
Tekst i fotografije / Words & Photography: Miodrag Miša Branković S vakog umetnika, pa tako i mene kao fotografa i auto- ra, vuče neka tajnovita sila ka različitim predelima i vi- zuelnim poljima. Ja tu silu nazivam nadahnuće. Verujem stoga da je bilo prirodno da svoja istraživanja i bele- ženja započnem u manastiru Hilan- daru, čuvaru srpske kulture i duhov- nosti. Nadahnuće koje me je vodilo tamo u svojoj biti je sadržalo želju za spoznajom lepote pravoslavne, slo- venske i srpske posvećenosti Bogu i želje da se ona predstavi u kontek- stu života čoveka 21. veka. Osim do samog manastira, na- dahnuće me je vodilo i upoznava- nju puteva i života Svetog Save na Svetoj Gori. Hilandar, Pantelejmon i Vatoped su upravo želja da dota- knem i osetim mesta na kojima je Sveti Sava sazrevao od Rastka Ne- manjića do najvećeg srpskog sveti- telja. U manastiru Pantelejmon se za- monašio, u Vatopedu podvizavao, a Hilandar obnovio. Svoje posete Svetoj Gori doživlja- vam kao boravak u nebeskom gradu koji je „deo Neba na Zemlji i parče Zemlje na Nebu“. Tu se ukrštaju vre- me i večnost, Nebo i Zemlja, božan- sko i ljudsko. Najmanje što sam mo- gao i što mogu jeste da pokušam da na svojim fotografijama zabeležim i HILANDAR Manastir Hilandar, sveta srpska carska lavra, nalazi se u severnom delu poluo- strva. Manastir je izgradio grčki monah Georgije Helandarios, da bi ga 1198. go- dine obnovili Sveti Simeon i njegov sin Sveti Sava. Kralj Stefan Uroš Prvi značajno je utvrdio manastir, a kralj Milutin oko 1320. godi- ne na mestu stare crkve podigao novu Crkvu Vavedenja Bogorodice. U vreme kralja i cara Dušana Sveta Gora je došla pod njegovu vlast, i to je period najve- ćeg prosperiteta manastira.
E very artist, including me, as a photographer and an au- thor, is drawn by some mys- terious force to various re- gions and visual fields. I call that force inspiration. As such, I believe that it was natural that I began my research and recording at Hilandar Monastery, the guardian of Serbian culture and spirituality. The inspi- ration that led me there contained in its essence a desire to familiar- ise myself with the beauty of Slav- ic orthodoxy and Serbian devotion to God, and a desire to present that in the context of the life of a man in the 21 st century. Apart from leading me to the monastery itself, inspiration al- so led me to get to know the roads and the life of Saint Sava on Holy Mount Athos. Hilandar, Panteleimon and Vatopedi are actually the desire for me to touch and feel the places where Saint Sava matured from be- ing Rastko Nemanjić to becoming the greatest Serbian Saint. At Pan- teleimon Monastery he became a monk, at Vatopedi he devoted him- self to god, and at Hilandar he re- stored the monastery. I experience my trip to Mount Athos as a stay in a heavenly city that is “a piece of Heaven on Earth HILANDAR Hilandar Monastery, the Holy Serbian Imperial Lavra, is located in the nort- hern part of Holy Mountain. The mona- stery was built by Greek monk Georgia Helandarios, only to be reconstructed in 1198 by Saint Simeon and his son Sa- int Sava. King Stefan Uroš I significantly upgraded the monastery, then King Mi- lutin erected the new Church of the Pre- sentation of the Virgin. During the time of King and Emperor Dušan the mona- stery experienced its greatest period of prosperity.
U Hilandar sam stigao u želji da spoznam lepotu pravoslavne, slovenske i srpske posvećenosti Bogu I arrived at Hilandar with the desire to familiarise myself with the beauty of Slavic orthodoxy and Serbian devotion to God
Prepoznatljivi vremešni čempresi Hilandara viđeni kamerom Miodraga Miše Brankovića. On je po struci mašinski inženjer, a po vokaciji fotograf koji nikad nije prestao da se divi lepoti prirode Distinctive aged cypress trees of Hilandar seen through the camera of Miodrag Miša Branković. He is a mechanical engineer by training, while by vocation he is photographer who never ceased to admire the beauty of nature
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