Z ona Zamfirova , najgledani- ji srpski film svih vremena, dobio je nastavak. Film Zo- na Zamfirova drugi deo , u kojem lepu Zone igra mlada Bran- kica Sebastijanović, a Maneta Milan Vasić, biće prikazan skoro 15 godina nakon što je ekranizovana najveća ljubavna priča u Srbiji. Scenario su napisali Ivana i Mi- roslav Mitić, režija je poverena Jugu Radivojeviću, dok iza filma stoje pro- dukcija Vrati se Zone i Pink internati- onal . Likovi Stevana Sremca nastav- ljaju da žive u vremenu od 1905. do 1908. u priči o ljubavnom životu Zone i Maneta i njihovoj borbi da sačuva- ju svoj brak. Budući da u našoj zemlji ne postoji nijedan jedinstven lokali- tet na kojem je bilo moguće dočara- ti duh čaršije na jugu Srbije, film je sniman u osam srpskih gradova: Vra- nju, Novom Pazaru, Pirotu, Surdulici, Aleksincu, Valjevu, Senti i Beogradu. Od 18. januara film će pretpremi- jerno biti prikazan u svim gradovima u kojima je sniman, dok je velika pre- mijera zakazana za 24. januar u Beo- gradu. Ljubavna saga s početka 20. Z ona Zamfirova, the most watched Serbian film of all time, has gained a sequel. The film Zona Zamfirova Part 2 , in which the beautiful Zo- na is played by young Brankica Sebastijanović and Mane is por- trayed by Milan Vasić, will hit screens almost fifteen years af- ter the greatest love story in Ser- bia was adapted for the screen. The screenplay was written
veka i vrcavi govor južnjačke čarši- je, koji je Stevan Sremac učinio bez- vremenim, biće naknadno prikazani i širom Evrope. Delo Zona Zamfiro- va je ljubavna priča o dvoje mladih koji su se zavoleli uprkos socijalnim razlikama. Kujundžija Mane zavo- leo je Zonu Zamfirovu, čorbadžij- sku ćerku. Stevan Sremac, u poli- tici konzervativac, u književnosti je uspevao da nadiđe sebe i dopu- sti da život buja onako kako treba. Mane, lep i sposoban, strastven i jak, zaslužio je Zone pre svih koji su po slovu krute tradicije mora- li da budu ispred njega. Sada autorska ekipa filma Zo- na Zamfirova drugi deo nastavlja da oživljava taj duh, uz temu ko- ja je bila aktuelna tada, a aktuel- na je i sada. Zona i Mane su po- sle venčanja pomislili da je najteže iza njih, a zapravo je njihova pri- ča tek počela. Milan Vasić, Mane u ovom filmu, kaže da je na ovu ulogu čekao skoro pet godina. – Uloga je kao pisana za mene i baš sam uživao u njoj. Mi u filmu ima- mo tragediju, dramu, komediju, akciju
- It is as though that role was writ- ten for me and I really enjoyed it. In this film we have tragedy, drama, comedy, action and a happy ending – everything that is required for a re- al great film. I’m happy that I shot this film – says Vasić, while his impressions are shared by his colleague Brankica Sebastijanović, who played the role of the beautiful Zona. - This role was a challenge for me. Shooting was both inspiring and chal- lenging and I can hardly wait for the premiere, says Brankica. The film’s producer, Miroslav Mitić, who also produced the first Zo- na Zamfirova, notes that he has always been inspired by the period of the ear- ly 20th century, when the foundations for the modern Serbia were laid. - Through a favourite love story, we have illustrated all the beauty of our country during that period and shown the problems that are faced by young married couples. We covered several crucial family problems that trouble young people as much now as they did back then. I am convinced that this film will, both in our country and elsewhere in the world, promote fami- ly and our society in the best possible way - emphasises Mitić. i srećan kraj. Sve što je potrebno za je- dan pravi, veliki film. Srećan sam što sam snimio ovaj film – rekao je Milan Vasić, a takve impresije deli i njego- va koleginica Brankica Sebastijano- vić, kojoj je pripala uloga lepe Zone. – Ova uloga je bila izazov za mene. Snimanje je bilo istovre- meno i inspirativno i zahtevno. Jedva čekam premijeru – kaže Brankica. Producent filma Mi- roslav Mitić, u čijoj produkciji je realizovana i prva Zona Zamfiro- va, ističe da ga je oduvek inspi- risao period s početka 20. veka, kada je postavljen temelj savre- mene Srbije. – Kroz omiljenu ljubavnu priču dočarali smo svu lepo- tu naše zemlje u tom periodu i prikazali probleme sa kojima se suočavaju mladi bračni parovi. Obuhvatili smo nekoliko ključ- nih porodičnih problema koji jed- nako tište mlade ljude i tada i sada. Uveren sam da će film kod nas i u svetu na najlepši mogući način pro- movisati porodicu i naše društvo – naglašava Mitić.
Film u kojem će lepu Zone igrati Brankica Sebastijanović, a Maneta Milan Vasić biće prikazan 15 godina nakon čuvenog filma „Zona Zamfirova“
the great premiere is scheduled to take place in Belgrade on 24 th Janu- ary. This love saga from the beginning of the 20th century and the sparkling speech of the southern bazaars, which Sremac made timeless, will be screened throughout Europe. Zona Zamfirova is a love story about two young people who fell in love despite the social differ- ences separating them. Kujundžija Mane fell in love with Zona Zam- firova, a daughter from a respect- able and wealthy Chorbaji family. Sremac, who was politically con- servative, managed to transcend himself in his literature and allow life to flourish in the way it should. Mane, handsome and capable, pas- sionate and strong, deserved Zo- na more than all those who should have been ahead of him accord- ing to the letter of rigid tradition. Now the creative team of Zona Zamfirova Part 2 continues to revive that spirit, with a topic that was as cur- rent then as it is now. Zona and Mane believe that after their wedding the hardest part is behind them, but their story has actually only just begun. Mi- lan Vasić, who portrays Mane in this film, says that he waited for this role...
The film, in which the beautiful Zona is played by Brankica Sebastijanović and Mane by Milan Vasić, will hit screens 15 years after the famous film Zona Zamfirova
by Ivana and Miroslav Mitić, and direction was entrusted to Jug Radivojević, while the film’s production was backed by “Vrati se Zone” and Pink International. Stevan Sremac’s characters contin- ue to live in the period from 1905 to 1908, in a story about the love life of Zona and Mane, and their struggle to save their marriage. Given that there is no unique lo-
cation in our country where it is possi- ble to recreate the spirit of the bazaars from the south of Serbia, the film was shot in eight Serbian cities: Vranje, No- vi Pazar, Pirot, Surdulica, Aleksinac, Valjevo, Senta and Belgrade. From 18 th January advanced screenings of the film will be shown in every city where it was filmed, while
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