više puta vraćao se i čuveni Josif Pančić, naš botaničar svetskog gla- sa. On je na vrhu Kopaonika i sa- hranjen, i to u mauzoleju, u kovče- gu od Pančićeve omorike. Od tog vremena najviši vrh ove planine no- si ime Pančićev vrh. TARA, PLANINA SA NAJLEPŠIM ŠUMAMA Ona je velika kao medved, ele- gantna kao omorika, ponosita kao bor, dostojanstvena kao divokoza na steni pri zalasku sunca, divlja kao
mladica u brzaku Drine i surova kao vuk kada uleti među ovce, kaže Mi- odrag Petrović, rukovodilac službe nadzora Nacionalnog parka Tara, o ovoj planinskoj lepotici. Osnovnu vrednost Tare čine šu- me, koje pokrivaju 80 odsto parka, a raritet u svetskim okvirima pred- stavlja Pančićeva omorika. Lepote planine najbolje ćete istražiti ako sledite planinarske staze, kojih ima 30, a tu su i dva međunarodna pe- šačka koridora. Ova planina čak ima i stazu pri- lagođenu osobama sa invaliditetom,
jedinu te vrste u našoj zemlji. Ta- ra ima i bogato kulturno nasleđe, a najznačajniji spomenici kulture su manastir Rača iz 13. veka i nekro- pole na stećcima, koje su pre pola godine stavljene na Uneskovu listu kulturne baštine. Za strastvene skijaše Tara nije idealna destinacija, ali je zato odli- čan izbor za porodice s decom i sve koji žele da na odmoru dišu punim plućima. U okolini hotela na Kalu- đerskim barama i na Sekuliću na- laze se manje ski-staze namenjene početnicima i deci.
Tara ima i stazu prilagođenu osobama sa invaliditetom, jedinu te vrste u našoj zemlji Tara even has a trail adapted to cater for people with disabilities – the only one of its kind in our country
clared a national park in 1981. This place was also visited on numer- ous occasions by the famous Josif Pančić, Serbia’s world-renowned botanist. He is even buried at the top of Kopaonik, in a mausoleum in a coffin made of the type of spruce that bears his name. Since that time the highest peak of this mountain has been named Pančić’s Peak. TARA, HOME TO THE MOST BEAUTIFUL FORESTS She is as big as a bear, as ele- gant as a spruce, as proud as a pine, as dignified as a mountain goat on a rock at sunset, as wild as a branch
on the rapids of the Drina and as raw as a wolf when rushing among sheep. This is how Miodrag Petrović, head of the supervision department of Tara National Park, describes this beautiful mountain. Tara’s prima- ry assets are its forests, which cov- er 80 per cent of the natural park, while a world rarity is represented by the Serbian spruce, or Pančić’s spruce, which only grows in this ar- ea around the Canyon of the River Drina. The best way to explore the beauty of this mountain is to follow the marked hiking trails, of which there are 30, including two interna- tional hiking corridors. This moun- tain even has a trail adapted to ca-
ter for people with disabilities – the only one of its kind in our country. Tara also has a rich cultural herit- age, with the most important cultur- al monuments being the 13 th centu- ry Rača Monastery and the Stećci monumental medieval tombstones, which were added to the UNESCO World Heritage List six months ago. Tara is not the ideal destination for passionate skiers, but it is an excellent choice for families with children, and everyone wanting to breathe to the fullest on their holi- day. In the vicinity of the hotel on Kaluđerske Ponds and Sekulić are smaller ski slopes intended for nov- ice skiers and children.
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