U POČETKU SE IGRALO NA TRAVI U teniskim bravurama uživaćemo ove godine od 16. do 29. ja- nuara. No, da bismo stigli u sadašnjost, moramo malo da se vratimo u prošlost. Istorija prvog grend slema u sezoni poče- la je 1905. Sve do 1927. ovaj događaj je nosio naziv Prvenstvo Australazije, kada menja naziv u Prvenstvo Australije. Godina 1969. biće upamćena po tome što je takmičenje u Melburnu dobilo naziv koji se koristi i danas – Australijan open. U počet- ku se igralo na travi u predgrađu Melburna dok turnir 1980. nije preseljen u Melburn park, pokraj centra grada.
preparing it only to find out that she had lost her match and wouldn’t be coming in to have it afterall. It must be one of the few restaurants in the world where every other day at Mel- bourne we lose half of our clients.” The Australian Open is prob- ably the furthest tournament for the players to travel to and perhaps that’s why the tournament provides the best welcome. The world’s best male and female tennis players agree that it is fantastic here. The main stars, of course, are No- vak Đoković, Roger Federer, Rafael Nadal, Serena Williams, Andy Mur- ray et al... However, Serbia’s “Nole” is the absolute ruler of Melbourne. He is so suited to the surface, the conditions and the atmosphere in Australia, which lies at the heart of his success. He has won the Aus- sie Open six times and he does not want to stop there. With an in-form Andy Murray also heading to Melbourne, as well as crowd favourites, Federer and Nadal, and the ever-dangerous Stan Wawrinka, Novak will have a big task to defend his title and make history with a seventh Australian Open title.
događaja od pre nekoliko godina, kada je jedna igračica iz Nemačke tražila jela iz svoje nacionalne kuhi- nje. Kada sam nabavio ta jela i sle- dećeg dana pokušao da je nađem, saznao sam da je izgubila. Znate, svakog drugog dana u Melburnu gubimo polovinu mušterija“, ispri- čao je jednom prilikom šef kuhinje u Melburn parku. Možda je Australijan open na- judaljeniji, ali možda je baš zato na tom turniru najtoplija dobrodošlica. Fenomenalno je, složni su najbolji svetski teniseri i teniserke. Glavne zvezde su, naravno, No- vak Đoković, Rodžer Federer, Rafa- el Nadal, Serena Vilijams, Endi Ma- ri… No, naš Nole je apsolutni vladar Melburna. Toliko mu odgovaraju podloga, uslovi i atmosfera u Au- straliji da ni on sam ne može da obja- sni u čemu je tajna njegovog uspe- ha. Šest puta je osvojio Ozi open i ne – ne želi da stane. Sa zahuktalim Endijem Mari- jem, starim lavovima Federerom i Nadalom, kao i uvek neugodnim Stanom Vavrinkom, Novak će ima- ti ozbiljan zadatak da odbrani titu- lu i još jednom uđe u istoriju sa se- dam osvojenih trofeja.
We will enjoy top tennis action in Melbourne from 16 th to 29 th January. However, in order to get to the present we go back in time a little. The history of the season’s first Grand Slam be- gan in 1905. The event was originally called The Australasian Championships, but in 1927, its name changed to the Cham- pionship of Australia, before becoming the name it has today, The Australian Open, in 1969. In the beginning it was played on grass in a suburb of Melbourne, until the tournament was relo- cated to Melbourne Park, near the city centre, in 1980.
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