G randmas and Granddads go crazy at parties, “rip it up” playing games, slam dunk playing bas- ketball, ride snowboards etc. Yes, it is possible. Just take a look at the 2017 calendar of the Gerontology Centre of Belgrade. Each month of the year is illustrated with fan- tastic photographs depicting pen- sioners in situations more common for teenagers. The atmosphere at the photo shoot was hilarious. As many as 72 pensioners posed patiently in differ- ent locations. And they did so sport- ing heavy stage make-up, wearing high heels etc. The oldest model is 91, while they have a collective age of more than 4,965 years. One of the most difficult tasks was given to Gojko Stanković. He spent more than half an hour posing in a snowboarding position, meaning in an awkward crouch. He got fair- ly sweaty by the time the photogra- pher took the right shot. However, the calendar’s concept, “I like everything that young people like”, so thrilled the pensioners that they heroically handled everything demanded by the job. A real madhouse was created in a classroom of the Kralj Petar I Primary School in downtown Bel- grade. Prior to the start of the pho- toshoot, the group of 20 pensioners made the kind of racket normally heard among school pupils when a teacher is late for class. They sang, threw paper planes at one another, taunted each other... This calendar aims to present pensioners to younger generations in a positive way. -We wanted to send our youth a message that elderly people are part of our society – our neighbours, friends, parents, grandparents, who are capable of being endlessly enter- taining and creative, who have de- sires and dreams regardless of their age. Otherwise, 2017 has been de- clared the year of intergeneration- al cooperation – says Suzana Mišić, director of the Gerontology Centre of Belgrade.
Seniori koji se pojavljuju na kalendaru su
Pravi kermes nastao je u učioni- ci Osnovne škole Kralj Petar Prvi , u centru Beograda. Grupa od 20 pen- zionera je pre početka snimanja na- pravila buku nalik onoj đačkoj kad nastavnik kasni na čas. Pevali su, ga- đali se papirnim avionima, dobaci- vali jedni drugima… Ovaj kalendar ima za cilj da mla- đim generacijama seniore predsta- vi na pozitivan način.
– Želeli smo da mladima poša- ljemo poruku da stariji jesu deo na- šeg društva, naše komšije, prijate- lji, roditelji, bake i deke, koji umeju da budu beskrajno zabavni i krea- tivni, koji imaju želje i snove bez obzira na broj godina. Inače, 2017. proglašena je godinom međugene- racijske saradnje – kaže Suzana Mi- šić, direktorka Gerontološkog cen- tra Beograd.
članovi dnevnih centara i klubova Gerontološkog centra Beograd who appear in the calendar are members of the day care centres and clubs of the Gerontology Centre of Belgrade The pensioners
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