It was in... Bilo je to u... DA SE NE ZABORAVI LEST WE FORGET Rođen je Električni Isus, a čovek je kročio na Mesec / “Electric Jesus” was born, man walked on the Moon Istorija je puna genijalnih ljudi, nezaboravnih događaja, momenata koji su zauvek promenili svet u kojem živimo… Nemoguće je nabrojati sve važne stvari koje su desile u julu, ovo su samo neke od njih… History is filled with geniuses, unforgettable events, moments that changed the world in which we live forever… It would be impossible to list every important happening that's taken place in the month of July, but here we present a few of them…
10. JUL/JULY 1856. Ne, nadimak Električni Isus ne mo- že se zaraditi tek tako, a još ma- nje Čovek koji je izumeo 20. vek, kako su zvali Nikolu Teslu, naučni- ka koji je u svemu bio ispred svog vremena, blistava svetlost u mo- ru tradicije i konzervativne nauke. Zaslužan za naizmeničnu struju, radio, bežičnu tehnologiju, daljin- sko upravljanje, neonske lampe i još mnogo, mnogo toga. Takozva- na Teslina struja zbog svoje visoke frekvencije nije opasna po čoveka, pa primenu nalazi i u medicini. Ina- če, Tesla je imao više od 700 zašti- ćenih patenata i inovacija, a sma- tran je genijem i čudakom. No, the nickname "Electric Jesus" cannot be earned just like that, and even less so that of "The Man
Who Invented the 20 th Century", as people dubbed Nikola Tesla, a scientist who was ahead of his ti- me in everything and represented a shining beacon in a sea of tradi- tion and conservative science. He is worthy of the credit for inven- ting alternating current electricity, radio, wireless technology, remo- te controlled devices, neon lamps and much, much more. Due to its high frequency of several ampe- res, the so-called Tesla current is not dangerous to humans, whi- ch is why it has also found appli- cations in medicine. It is worth no- ting that Tesla held more than 700 protected patents and innovati- ons for his inventions, and that he was considered both a genius and a weirdo.
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