Slavka Aleksića, kopilota na erbasu Tri pitanja za... Šta vam je najviše nedostajalo onih meseci kada su zbog pandemije avioni prestali da lete? – Zapravo, avioni nikada nisu prestali da lete. Avioni Er Srbije su dovozili naše dr- žavljane iz udaljenih zemalja i leteli u Kinu
Slavko Aleksić, Airbus first officer Three questions for...
What did you miss the most during those months when the pandemic led to planes being grounded? “Planes actually never stopped flying. Air Serbia planes brought our citizens home from distant countries and flew to China to collect es-
po neophodnu medicin- sku pomoć. Bio sam po- nosan što mogu da dam maleni doprinos u situa- ciji koja je za sve nas bila nova i neizvesna. Da li ljudi još tap- šu nakon uspešnog sle- tanja i šta mislite o tom aplauzu? – Aplauz je sada vi- še izuzetak nego pravilo, ali mi po pravilu izmami osmeh. Imam utisak da nije toliko usmeren na nas pilote, već je odraz sreće i uzbuđenja što ste stigli kući ili na želje- nu destinaciju. Ako biste nas u ju- lu avionom Er Srbije odveli na more, gde bi to bilo? – Mediteran je naj- lepši u julu, topao i još dovoljno miran pre av- gustovskih odmora. Mo- ja omiljena destinacija je Atina, koja je poveza- na sa Beogradom di- rektnim letom Er Srbije , i ostrva u blizini, do kojih se brzo stiže trajektom.
sential medical assistance. I was proud to be able to give my own small contribution in a situation that was new and uncertain for all of us.” Do people still clap following a successful landing and what do you think about that? “Applause is now mo- re of an exception than a ru- le, but it makes me smile as a rule. I have the impressi- on that it isn’t explicitly dire- cted towards us pilots, but rather represents a reflecti- on of the happiness and ex- citement of having arrived home or in your desired de- stination.” If you were to take us to the seaside on an Air Serbia plane during July, where would we go? “The Mediterranean is at its most beautiful in Ju- ly, warm and still sufficiently peaceful ahead of the Au- gust holidays. My favourite destination is Athens, whi- ch is connected to Belgrade via a direct Air Serbia flight, and the nearby islands, whi-
Na ostrvu Hidra je zabranjen saobraćaj, ne- ma buke ni zagađenja, što ga čini savršenim mestom za odmor. ch can be reached quickly by ferry. Motor vehic- les are forbidden on the island of Hydra, so there is no noise or the pollution that it generates, whi- ch makes it the perfect place for a holiday.” Moja omiljena destinacija je Atina, koja je povezana sa Beogradom direktnim letom Er Srbije , i ostrva u njenoj blizini My favourite destination is Athens, which is connected to Belgrade via a direct Air Serbia flight, and the nearby islands
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