Reč dobrodošlice
Welcome message
Jul 2021.
July 2021
Dear passengers,
Dragi putnici,
NEDAVNO SMO OBELEŽILI VEOMA VAŽNU GODIŠNJICU – pola decenije direktnih letova između Beograda i Njujorka. Suvišno je i govoriti o značaju istorijskog leta kojim je 23. juna 2016, posle pauze od 24 godine, ponovo uspostavljena ova li- nija. Dovoljno je samo napomenuti da je Er Srbija i danas, pet godina kasnije, jedini avio-prevoznik koji povezuje ceo region sa Sjedinjenim Američkim Državama. Kao i uvek kada su u pitanju veliki i značajni projekti, rad na uspostavljanju letova preko Atlantika doneo je pojedine izazove i ponekad bio praćen sumnjama i skepticizmom. Ipak, uz našu odlučnost i predanost ne samo da smo uspeli da poletimo ka ovoj destinaciji već smo za pet godina kompanija postala prevoznik izbora za putnike iz regiona i celog sveta. Zahvalio bih svima koji su do Velike jabuke leteli upravo sa nama. Nadam se da smo opravdali očekivanja, bili na visini zadatka i učinili da uživate u svakom od 7.260 kilometara puta između srpske prestonice i poznate svetske metropole. Svaku priliku da vas ugostimo na letu smatramo velikom privilegijom. Zbog toga se uvek trudimo da vas dočekamo u skladu sa principima tradicionalnog i prepoznatljivog srpskog gostoprimstva – kako biste uvek poželeli da se vratite. Sada, kad na ovoj popularnoj ruti letimo našim novim prevezli više od 323.000 putnika, uz prosečnu popunjenost putničke kabine od 75 odsto. Čak i tokom pandemije i veoma izazovnih okolnosti za avio-industriju uspeli smo da ostvarimo dobre rezultate. Ponosni smo što je srpska nacionalna avio- erbasom A330 koji nosi ime i lik najslavnijeg srpskog naučnika i pronalazača Nikole Tesle, sa ponosom mogu reći da smo toplu srpsku dobrodošlicu podigli na nivo umetnosti. Kao što su mnogi od vas već imali priliku da se uvere, putničke kabine su najbolje u klasi, a usluga je podignuta na najviši nivo i osmišljena tako da oda počast životu i radu čuvenog genija. Do Njujorka trenutno letimo pet puta nedeljno. Od početka juna za sletanje i poletanje koristimo Terminal 1 Međunarodnog aerodroma Džon F. Kenedi , koji će nakon obnove biti najprostraniji i najsavremeniji na ovom poznatom aerodromu. Raduje nas što smo se na taj način pridružili najvecim međunarodnim avio-kompanijama koje lete za Njujork. Nastavićemo da pomeramo granice, podižemo standarde i unapređujemo ponudu u svakom segmentu. Bez obzira na destinaciju ili tip aviona, naš prioritet je uvek isti – vaše zadovoljstvo! Uživajte u letu i srećan put.
RECENTLY WE CELEBRATED A VERY IMPORTANT anniver- sary – half a decade of direct flights between Belgrade and New York. There is no need to talk about the importance of the historic flight of 23 June 2016, which, after a pause of 24 years, again established this route. It is sufficient only to note that to- day, five years later, Air Serbia is still the only airline to connect the entire region with the United States. As always, when it comes to major and important projects, the work on commencing flights over the Atlantic brought cer- tain challenges as well and sometimes was followed with do- ubt and scepticism. However, with our decisiveness and com- mitment, not only have we managed to start operating flights to this destination, but also, over five years, we had carried more than 323,000 passengers, with an average load factor of 75%. Even during the pandemic and the very challenging circumstances for the airline industry, we have managed to accomplish good results. We are proud that the Serbian national airline became the choice of many passengers from the region, and around the world. I would like to thank everyone who flew to The Big Apple with us. I hope that we have met your expectations, that we were up to the task and that we helped you enjoy every single one of the 7,260 kilometres of the trip between the Serbian capital and the famous international metropolis. We consider every opportunity to host you at our flights a great privilege. That is why we are always trying to welco- me you in accordance with the principles of traditional and re- cognizable Serbian hospitality - so that you always wish to co- me back. Now, when we are operating flights on this popular rou- te using our new Airbus A330, which bears the name and the image of the most famous Serbian scientist and inventor, Ni- kola Tesla, I can proudly say we have turned the warm Serbian welcome into art. As many of you had the opportunity to see, the passenger cabins are the best in class, and the service has been upgraded and is designed to celebrate the life and work of the famous genius. We operate flights to New York five times a week. Starting from June, we are using Terminal 1 of JFK International Airport for landing and taking off, which, after the reconstruction, wi- ll be the most spacious and modern terminal on this famous ai- rport. We are glad that we have joined in this way the ranks of the biggest international airlines operating flights to New York. We will continue to push the limits, raise our standards and im- prove our offer in every segment. Because regardless of desti- nation or aircraft type, our priority remains the same - your sa- tisfaction! Enjoy the flight and have a good trip,
Duncan Naysmith CEO Air Serbia
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