LEISURELY GLAMOUR OF SUMMER Heavenly by the pool How pool chic has become a term that determines trends in fashion, interior design and lifestyle WE ARE SLOWLY BUT SURE- LY THROWING OFF THE shack- les of pandemic mode and looking forward to idyllic summer evenings under an open sky. And how bet- ter to define our new wave of opti- mism than an environment that is always in a state of controlled per- fection - the surface of water in a swimming pool? That’s how the term “pool chic” became the login password for luxu- ry at the very start of this (above all completely different from the pre- vious) summer. With this, the aes- thetic parameters of the multimil- lion-dollar lifestyle industry have temporarily abandoned the hyg- ge principle of being nestled away in one’s own home, and without a second’s hesitation switched to favouring leisurely glamour par- ties beside the swimming pools of the elite hotels of Mediterranean islands. Where did this change to the stylistic paradigm come from? During the days when return- ing to normal flows (first and fore- most the joys of travel) is the pri- mary goal, there is no better way to enjoy “unlocking” everyday life than the kind of elegance akin to that seen on old photos of holi- day resorts from the 1960s and ‘70s! Also thinking in this direc-
slila i novu podliniju Prada Outdo- or , posvećenu životu na otvorenom. U okviru kolekcije egzistiraju savr- šeni končani džemperi koje može- te nehajno prebaciti preko bikinija, ali i pletena viseća ležaljka ukoliko želite da u istom desenu utonete u popodnevnu dremku. Kakav savr- šen uvod u take it easy režim vre- le sezone! Prada nije jedina marka koja vi- di potencijal u našoj dokolici pod suncem – Jacquemus, Loewe i Dries Van Noten su u istom dahu ponudi- li aksesoar za slobodno vreme po- put frizbija, cegera i prostirki za le- žaljke, a poetični rimski couturier Đambatista Vali je čak otišao toli- ko daleko da je celu jednu kapsulu posvetio stilu bič klab ekipe. Međutim, nisu samo mod- ne kuće u pool chic raspoloženju – tvorci najfinijih aksesoara za ambijent kao što su Soho Home i Frette takođe razmišljaju kako da vam bude udobno dok ste u bazen- skom zenu, pa se utrkuju u tome ko će napraviti raskošnije peškire. Setovi plastičnih čaša za šampa- njac više nisu niskobudžetna vari- janta – njihove visokoestetizovane varijante dostojne su i basnoslov- nog penušca. Nadahnuti vanvremenskom privlačnošću stila života na Medi- teranu najpoznatiji bjuti brendovi su spakovali oprobane formulacije koje su kompletno vodootporne, du- gotrajne i pružaju SPF zaštitu. Azur- ne nijanse senki za oči i lakova za nokte naglašavaju bazensku temu na najlepši mogući način. I najmo- dernije letnje frizure reinterpreti- raju wet look za novo doba. Uživaj- te u letu!
Tekst/Words: Ivan Radojčić Fotografije/Photography: iStock
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