at every moment I was aware of the dis- tance I had prepared to jump. Which competition did you find most exhausting, and which was the most important for you personally? - The Olympic Games were pretty stressful, because preparations for the competition lasted a long time and ex- pectations were high, in accordance with my values. The gold medal was the only thing that interested me, though the com- petition ended differently. I was slightly disappointed, but in the end, when my emotions settled and I realised I had been on the podium as an Olympic medal win- ner, I felt extremely proud and overjoyed. Everyone envies you for your physical fitness, but can you reveal to us something more about mental strength? - I have always worked on my men- tal power and preparation. At the age of 14/15 I travelled alone, without a coach, to international meetings, because I wanted to start competing with those who were better than me as soon as possible, to gain experience and to learn to overcome the pressure by myself. Injuries are, unfortu- nately, an integral part of sport, but I do everything in my power to ensure they don’t occur. When they do happen, every- one in my team knows what has to be given the greatest attention at that mo- ment for me to recover fully and as quick- ly as possible. What happens when you’re not in the mood to train?
- I try to use all the negativity I car- ry within myself as energy and for train- ing not to suffer. It’s not always easy, but training and exercise is everything. How do you most like to relax? - With the people I love, at home in the company of my pets, or alone with music, a film or a book ... Considering that you travel regu- larly, do you have an idea of how many cities and countries you’ve visited to date? - My passport remembers better than me. I often say that I would like to visit many cities again, but as a tourist. In the rush between competitions I often don’t have a chance to see anything other than the hotel and the stadium. Which place that’s not in Serbia would you always return to and why? - There are many places where I have felt a special energy and where I often re- turn to when I have time. I like to spend time in nature and tranquillity, and one
place I often go to relax is Bled in Slovenia. While we’re talking about things you enjoy, I know you enjoy cooking... - I cook because I really enjoy it. My brother chose to be a chef as a profes- sion, so, along with him and my parents, I learned a lot about food preparation. I cook the most when the season is in progress, because that’s when I take care of what I’m eating the most, but I also cook for friends when we come to- gether during the weekend. Their satis- fied smiles afterwards are the sweetest commendation. What do you think about while fly- ing home, what gives you the most joy? - My nearest and dearest. During the season I miss out on time I would other- wise spend with my family and friends. Fortunately, the team that’s with me is like my second family and they do everything to ensure I never lack anything, without doing anything special other than always being there.
MIRKOVIĆ INVEST: LUKSUZNI STANOVI SA TOPLINOM PORODIČNOG DOMA „Mirković invest“ je sagradio objekte na Vračaru koji svojom dina- mičnom arhitektonskom formom i elegantnom materijalizacijom upotpunjuju ambijentalne celine i u našu prestonicu donose vizuru i duh pariskih bulevara. Autentične ambijentalne celine ovog otme- nog kvarta Beograda predstavljaju najatraktivnije lokacije starog de- la grada, a glavna smernica koja definiše arhitekturu objekta jesu elegancija i prefinjenost.
MIRKOVIĆ INVEST: LUXURY FLATS WITH THE WARMTH OF A FAMILY HOME Mirković Invest has built properties in Vračar that complement the ambiance of the whole with their dynamic architectural form and elegant materialisation, bringing to our capital city the vision and spirit of Parisian boulevards. The authentic ambience of this refined Belgrade quarter represents the most attractive locations of the old
part of the city, while the main guideline defining the property’s architecture is precisely elegance and sophistication. Mirković Invest is best known to the general pub- lic as an investment company that stands out due to its completely different approach to construct- ing multi-storey residential buildings that exude the intimate atmosphere and warmth of a fami- ly house. With the quality of buildings in the con- struction sense, the use of modern technologies and exclusive materials, company Mirković Invest places on the real estate market functional housing units adapted to modern life in attractive urban lo- cations and offered at economical prices.
Široj javnosti je „Mirković invest“ poznat kao investitorska kompanija koja se ističe potpuno drugačijim pristupom izgradnji vi- šespratnih stambenih objekata koji odišu in- timnom atmosferom i toplinom porodič- ne kuće. Kvalitet objekata u građevinskom smislu, upotrebu savremenih tehnologija, korišćenje plemenitih materijala, funkcional- ne stambene jedinice prilagođene moder- nom životu na atraktivnim gradskim lokaci- jama kompanija „Mirković invest“ plasira na tržište nekretnina po ekonomskoj ceni.
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