Pravoslavni vernici u Srbiji 19. janua- ra proslavljaju Bogojavljenje, praznik usta- novljen u spomen na Hristovo krštenje na reci Jordan. Bogojavljenje je jedan od 15 najvećih hrišćanskih praznika, a tog da- na u svim crkvama i hramovima osveću- je se voda koju narod uzima i nosi kuća- ma, jer se veruje da ima lekovita svojstva. A veruje se i da se u ponoć, kad zimski Kr- stovdan (18. januar) prelazi u Bogojavlje- nje, otvara nebo i da se svaka želja može ispuniti. Samo jasno mora da se zamisli i veoma da se želi. Istovremeno, širom Srbije, kad osvane Bogojavljenje, najhrabriji vernici i oni koji žele da pobede sami sebe skidaju odeću i skaču u hladne, često i zaleđene reke, pli- vajući za časnim krtom bogojavljenskim, koji se baca u vodu. Onaj koji ga pronađe ili do njega prvi stigne, osim časti, dobiće i mnogo sreće u godini koja dolazi. Ali ni- je zapravo ni bitno ko je taj jedan, jer niko ne pliva da bi se takmičio s drugima. Svi oni koji se ne plaše ledene vode i koji hra- bro plivaju puna srca svakako će dotaći krst i dokazati sebi šta mogu... On 19 th January, Christian Orthodox believers in Serbia celebrate the Epiphany, a holiday estab- lished in memory of Christ’s baptism in the Riv- er Jordan. The Epiphany is one of the 15 biggest Christian holidays, and on that day all churches and temples consecrate water that the people come to collect and carry home, as it is believed to have medicinal properties. It is also believed that at midnight, when Winter Christmastide (18 th January) enters the Epiphany, the heavens open and every wish can be fulfilled. All that’s need- ed is for the wish to be well conceived and very strongly desired. Simultaneously throughout Serbia, when dawn rises on the Epiphany, the bravest believ- ers and those who want to conquer themselves undress and leap into cold, often even frozen, riv- ers to swim for the honour of retrieving a cross that has been thrown into the water. The one who finds or reaches the cross first will receive, be- sides the honour of winning the contest, a lot of good fortune in the year ahead. But it doesn’t re- ally matter who that is, because nobody swims here to compete with others. All those who don’t fear icy waters and who swim bravely and whole- heartedly will certainly touch the cross and prove their own capabilities to themselves...
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