Dani igre u Kinoteci Peti put zaredom Beogradski festival igre i Jugoslovenska kinoteka pri- ređuju reviju filmova pod nazivom Dani igre . Od 24. do 28. januara 2018. publika će moći da prati premijerne projekcije višestruko nagrađivanih dokumentarnih i umetničkih filmova. Manifestaciju će otvoriti Priča jed - ne balerine , dokumentarni film o Misti Kopland, koja je ušla u istoriju baleta kao prva Afroamerikanka imenovana za primabalerinu čuvenog njujorškog Američkog baletskog teatra. Days of Dance at the Cinematheque For the fifth consecutive year, the Belgrade Dance Festival and the Yugo- slav Film Archives Cinematheque are organising a film review entitled “Days of Dance”. From 24 th to 28 th January 2018, the public will be able to watch premiere screenings of multi-award-winning documentaries and films. The event will open with a screening of the documentary ‘A Balleri- na’s Tale’, which tells the story of Misty Copland, who entered the history books of ballet as the first African-American to be promoted to the posi- tion of principal dancer of New York’s famous American Ballet Theatre.
Moskovski cirkus na ledu Nakon nastupa pred više od 200 miliona gledalaca u više od 50 zemalja sveta, Moskovski cirkus na ledu u okviru nove evrop- ske turneje prvi put gostuje u Srbiji. Program je prilagođen izvo- đenju na ledu, ali neće izostati ni elementi akrobatike i sadržaj koji i čine jedan cirkus. Uz spektakularne svetlosne efekte spre- maju spektakl u Velikoj dvorani Centra Sava 15. januara.
Dwarfs from the front pages arrive The premiere screening of the comedy“Dwar- fs from the Front Pages” has been scheduled to take place at Belgrade’s Sava Centre on 17 th Janu- ary, depicting the lives, events and intrigues of the greatest reality show magician of this region, played by the fantastic Gordan Kičić. Apart from directing the film, Milo- rad Milinković also wro- te the screenplay, while the brilliant acting te- am includes, besides Ki- čić, many other young and promising actors, as well as experienced and famous domestic per- formers.
Stižu Patuljci sa naslovnih stran a Za 17. januar u Centru Sava zakazana je premijera ko- medije Patuljci sa naslovnih strana , koja prikazuje život, razne dogodovštine i spletke najvećeg rijaliti maga na ovim prostorima, koga igra fantastični Gordan Kičić. Mi- lorad Milinković, osim režije, potpisuje i scenario filma, a briljantnu glumačku ekipu, osim Gordana Kičića, čine mnogi drugi mladi i perspektivni, ali i iskusni i pozna- ti domaći glumci.
Moscow circus on ice Following performances that have captivated more than 200 million spectators in more than 50 countries worldwide, the Moscow Circus on Ice’s latest European tour sees it performing in Serbia for the first time ever. With a programme adapted to performing on ice, but with all the acrobatics and accompanying elements that comprise a circus. It will take place in the Great Hall of the Sava Centre on 15 th January.
Bereaved Family at the National Theatre The play Bereaved Family, written for the stage by Branislav Nušić, this time directed and adapted by Jagoš Marković, will be performed on the Great Stage of the National Theatre in Belgrade on 18 th January 2018. This will be the fifth portrayal of this Nušić comedy at the National Thea- tre in Belgrade, where it premiered on 28 th November 1934, then dire- cted by Josip Kulundžić.
Ožalošćena porodica u Narodnom pozorištu Predstava Ožalošćena porodica , po tekstu Branislava Nušića, u re- žiji i adaptaciji Jagoša Markovića, planirana je za 18. januar 2018. go- dine na Velikoj sceni. Biće to peta postavka ove Nušićeve komedije u Narodnom pozorištu u Beogra- du, u kojem je i praizvedena 28. novembra 1934. godine, u režiji Jo- sipa Kulundžića.
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