The Swiss flag has been a carefully protected brand since the 13th century, a stamp and seal that may only be placed on things that have a clearly tangible connection with the state; a sign that simultaneously symbolises the quality, precision and creativity of a country that has given so much to the world. F ew countries could be summarised with clichés like Switzerland. Snow-topped peaks, cows with bells swinging from their necks, high-speed trains, wrist- watches... these are just some of the associa- tions that come to mind at the mention of this country’s name. This is partly because people the world over respect anything that is “Made in Switzerland”, but also because few countries manage in parallel to develop traditional crafts and future technology while simultaneously pre- serving their natural beauty. As much respect is paid to tradition in Switzerland as attention is paid to the future, and that is one of the great- est values of this small but powerful nation. Nevertheless, clichés do a disservice to Swit- zerland, because they overshadow the richness of its diversity. After all, how can any cliché de- scribe a country with 26 equal cantons and four languages, all with just over eight million inhab- itants? On the following pages we introduce you to the precision, quality and creativity of Switzerland.
Švajcarska zastava je brižljivo čuvan brend još od 13. veka, pečat koji se može staviti samo na stvari s jasno opipljivom vezom sa državom, znak koji ukršta kvalitet, preciznost i kreativnost zemlje koja je toliko toga dala svetu
M alo je zemalja koje se mogu podvesti pod kliše kao Švajcarska. Snežni vrhovi, krave sa zvoni- ma oko vrata, brzi vozovi, ručni satovi... samo su neke od asocijacija koje se jave na pomen njenog imena. Delom je to zato što ljudi širom sveta poštu- ju sve što je “Made in Switzerland”, ali i zato što retko ko- ja zemlja uspeva da paralelno razvija tradicionalne zanate i tehnologiju za budućnost istovremeno čuvajući svo- je prirodne lepote. Tradicija se u Švajcarskoj poštuje isto koliko se i brine o budućnosti i to je jedna od najvećih vrednosti ove male i moćne države. Klišei su, međutim, Švajcarskoj proti-
vusluga jer se zbog njih previđa bogatstvo njenih razlika. Uo- stalom, kako bilo koji kliše može da opiše zemlju sa 26 ravnopravnih kantona i če- tiri jezika, a sa samo nešto vi- še od osam miliona stanovnika? Na stranicama koje slede predstav- ljamo švajcarsku preciznost, kva- litet i kreativnost.
Er Srbija leti 21 put nedeljno za Cirih
Air Serbia flies 21 times a week to Zurich Novi letovi za Ženevu dva puta nedeljno od 25. marta
New twice- weekly service to Geneva from 25 March
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