Švajcarska u fokusu / switzerland In focus
One of the most memorable scenes in the stories of the world’s most famous fiction- al detective, Sherlock Holmes, takes place in Switzerland, at a site where his fans still gather today. At the very place where Sir Arthur Conan Doyle killed his hero, cast- ing him into the wild waters of the famous Reichenbach Falls, where death found him alongside his sworn enemy, Professor James Moriarty. This tragic story sees Sherlock arrive in the picturesque village of Meiringen after several unsuccessful murder attempts. If you’ve ever wondered why it was precisely in Switzerland that Holmes’ life ended, you would have to seek an answer from Doyle himself, who moved to this country due to his wife’s ill health at the end of the 1890s. He couldn’t have chosen a more dramatic place than Europe’s largest waterfall Rhine Falls. At this spot, of course – given that this is a place that attracts tourist and liter- ary pilgrimages – there is a small statue of this famous detective. This powerful waterfall on the Rhine is actually a set of three waterfalls. About 15,000 years old, it is located on the terri- tory of the Canton of Schaffhausen, on the river’s right bank, while the left bank is lo- cated within the Canton of Zürich. You can sail boats and enjoy the marvellous na- ture, or follow in the footsteps of Sher- lock Holmes during his last hours. You can reach the spot where he fell to his death by cable car. Of course, we all know that Conan Doyle resurrected his hero, despite having vowed that he’d killed him off once and for all with joy. In 1893, after the story of“The Final Problem”, he described to one of his friends how much the world’s greatest ever detec- tive had made him nauseous. Judging by the mass of screen adaptations, the 70 ac- tors who have portrayed his character and the sheer number of tourists who visit Lon- don’s Baker Street and the waterfall in Swit- zerland, it seems that the world will never have its fill of Holmes.
Tekst / Words: Jelena Pantović Fotografije / Photography: Profimedia.rs, Getty
J edna od najupečatljivijih scena u pri- čama o najpoznatijem detektivu na svetu Šerloku Holmsu dešava se u Švajcarskoj. Njegovi obožavaoci i danas se okupljaju baš na mestu gde je ser Ar- tur Konan Dojl ubio svog junaka bacivši ga u podivljale vode čuvenog vodopada Rajhenbah, u kom je smrt našao sa svo- jim zakletim neprijateljem, profesorom Džejmsom Morijartijem. Šerlok je u toj tragičnoj priči došao u ži- vopisno selo Majringen posle nekoliko neupešenih pokušaja ubistva. Ako ste se ikada zapitali zašto je Holms baš u Švaj- carskoj okončao svoj uzbudljivi život, od- govor bi mogao dati sam Dojl, koji se zbog zdravlja svoje supruge krajem de- vedesetih godina 19. veka preselio u ovu zemlju. Nije mogao izabrati dramatičnije me- sto od najvećeg evropskog vodopada Rajnfal. Tu se, budući da pričamo o me- stu turističkog i književnog hodočašća,
naravno nalazi i mala statua čuvenog de- tektiva. Moćni vodopad na Rajni zapravo je skup tri vodopada. Star je oko 15.000 godina, a njegova desna obala nalazi se na terito- riji kantona Šafhauzen, dok se leva nala- zi u kantonu Cirih. Brodićem možete plo- viti i uživati u moćnoj prirodi, a naravno, možete hodati stazama Šerloka Holm- sa prateći njegove poslednje sate. Do sa- mog mesta odakle je pao u provaliju sti- že se žičarom. Naravno, svi znamo da je Konan Dojl ka- snije oživeo svog junaka, iako se kleo da ga je s radošću zauvek usmrtio. Te 1893. godine, posle priče Poslednji problem , jednom svom prijatelju opisao je koli- ko mu se najveći detektiv svih vremena zgadio. Ako je suditi prema svim ekrani- zacijama, 70 glumaca koji su tumačili nje- gov lik i prema broju turista koji poseću- ju ulicu Bejker i vodopade u Švajcarskoj, svetu se Holms nikada neće smučiti.
Artur Konan Dojl ubio je svog junaka bacivši ga u podivljale vode čuvenog
vodopada Rajhenbah Arthur Conan Doyle
killed his hero, casting him into the wild waters of the famous Reichenbach Falls
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