Ujedinjene nacije sa spomenikom Handicap internacional Ženevsku luku i englesku baštu na Lemanskom jezeru Park Bastion Rusku pravoslavnu crkvu i Crkvu Svetog Petra Karuž
DON’T MISS Geneva Old Town
The Palace of Nations and Handicap International monument Geneva harbour and the English Garden on Lake Geneva Bastions Park The Russian Orthodox Church and the Church of St. Peter Carouge
teta Crvenog krsta. Dok je FIFA u Cirihu, Međunarodni olim- pijski komitet u Lozani, u Ženevi su UEFA, Međunarodna federacija automo- bilizma (FIA), Međunarodna košarkaška federacija (FIBA), Međunarodna fede- racija za motociklizam (FIM). Ženevski kanton je poznat i po evropskom nukle- arnom istraživačkom centru CERN, a tu je i Evropska radiodifuzna unija EBU, u kojoj ja radim. Grad se rano budi, živ je, ali ni nalik evropskim metropolama. Najživlje je u glavnoj trgovačkoj arteriji Ru de Ron, a mirno na obali Lemana, koje Ženevljani posesivno zovu i Ženevsko jezero. Košnica u Ženevi je aerodrom, koji sada uvodi i noćne letove. Meni je Ženeva najlepša leti, zbog pla- ža na obali jezera i obe reke, koje su kao na najlepšim grčkim ostrvima, i ži- vosti koju donose letnji muzički festi- vali u okolini ( Montre džez festival , festival Paleo u Nionu, Ženevske sve- čanosti sa veličanstvenim vatrome- tom 1. avgusta za Dan državnosti Švaj- carske). Zima je rezervisana za skijanje i sanka- nje na Alpima. Već na 20 minuta vožnje od centra je prva skijaška staza Kol de la Fosij, na planini Juri, na samoj granici Francuske i Švajcarske.
Geneva is now my home, but Serbia is in my heart. Due to the love of my fa- ther, who hails from Veliko Bonjince near Babušnica, for a French lady, I was born in Paris - a city you can’t help but love - but many year later my work took me to Ge- neva, which I came to love for everything it provided me with, but also due to the parts of Serbia that it carefully preserves. Specifically, before he went to Paris’s Saint-Cyr Military Academy in 1861, King Petar I Karađorđević lived in Geneva, at the Venel-Olivier Institute. As is record- ed in the Geneva archives, Prince Petar Karađorđević, the future king of Serbia, is one of the Serbian parishioners of the Church of the Resurrection of the Holy Cross. He lived in Geneva with his family from 1894 to 1903 and, according to one story, gifted a bell to the Russian Ortho- dox Church in Geneva. The Karađorđević family, who lived in Ge- neva during one period of their time of exile, are also important to the begin- nings of the Serbian community in Ge- neva, which brings together doctors, scientists, athletes etc. The Serbian cul- tural society organises guest theatre per- formances and concerts of Starograds- ka folk music and classical music, while a Serbian Orthodox Municipality, “The Holy
Apostle St. Andrew the First-Called”, was established two years ago. Geneva is a cosmopolitan city where you can hear other languages at every step. These people mainly work for interna- tional organisations – from the United Nations, via the World Trade and Health organisations, to the International Com- mittee of the Red Cross. While FIFA is based in Zurich and the International Olympic Committee in Lausanne, Geneva is home to UEFA, the International Feder- ation of Automobiles (FIA), the Interna- tional Basketball Federation (FIBA) and the International Federation of Motorcy- cling (FIM). The Canton of Geneva is al- so known for the European Organisation for Nuclear Research, CERN, as well as the European Broadcasting Union, EBU, where I work. The city wakes early and is lively, but is unlike other European metropolises. It is at its liveliest in the main shopping street of the Rue du Rhone, while it is tranquil on the banks of Lake Geneva, which is known locally as Lake Léman. Geneva’s main hive of activity is its airport, which is now also introducing night flights. For me Geneva is at its most beautiful during summer, due to the beaches on the banks of the lake and both rivers, which are like those of the most beautiful Greek islands, and the liveliness brought about by the summer music festivals in the area (Montreux Jazz Festival, Paléo Festival of rock in Nyon and Geneva’s cel- ebrations with magnificent fireworks commemorating Swiss National Day on 1 st August). Winter is reserved for skiing and sleigh rides in the French and Swiss Alps. The nearest ski slopes are Just a 20-minute drive from the city centre in Col de la Fau- cille, in the Jura Mountains, right on the border between France and Switzer- land.
Ženeva je centar diplomatije i dom međunarodnih organizacija iz 187 različitih zemalja sveta. Zbog toga u Ženevi 40 odsto stanovnika nisu Švajcarci Geneva is the country’s centre of diplomacy, home to international organisations from 187 different countries. That’s why 40 per cent of the inhabitants of Geneva are not Swiss
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