Ženke džinovskih kornjača polažu jaja na plaži Ža- le, gde svako može prisustvovati ovom spektaklu prirode. Postoje organizacije koje se brinu da što više mladunaca pređe kratak, ali opasan put do vode kad se rodi, a statistika kaže da bez pomo- ći biologa tek jedna od hiljadu beba kornjača preži- vi prve dane života.
Female giant turtles lay their eggs on Jalé beach, where everyone can witness this spectacle of nature. There are organisations that take care to en- sure as many hatchlings as possible complete the short but dangerous jour- ney to the water’s edge once they’re born. Statistics show that without biolo- gists’help only one in a thousand baby turtles survives its first days of life.
Turisti iz Evrope neretko su zabrinuti zbog bezbedno- sti i higijene kada je u pitanju Afrika. U ovom slučaju dovoljno je biti tek minimalno oprezan. Sitnog krimi- nala nema mnogo, a težih kriminalnih dela je još ma- nje. U glavnom gradu poneki mangup možda će vas u prolazu pitati da mu date par patika, ali ih neće uzeti na silu. Malarija je gotovo iskorenjena, a nijedna vak- cina nije obavezna.
Tourists from Europe are often worried about safe- ty and hygiene when it comes to Africa, but in this case
Trećinu teritorije Sao Tomea čini Nacionalni park Obo . Veći deo parka či- ni prašuma, gde su staze neutabane, a vegetacija bujna, pa se u šetnju ne kreće bez dobre mačete. Osim papagaja, orhideja i majmuna u svom pri- rodnom staništu, možete naići i na crnu, izuzetno otrovnu zmiju. Lokalci ka- žu da nije ni najmanje agresivna, te da samo treba da je propustite da pro- đe kuda je krenula i sve će biti u redu. A third of the territory of São Tomé is occupied by the Ôbo Natural Park. Most of the park is comprised of rainforest, where the paths are un- touched and the vegetation lush, so one doesn’t go walking without a good machete. Apart from parrots, orchids and monkeys in their natural habitat, you might also come across an extremely toxic black snake. Locals say that it isn’t aggressive in the slightest, so just leave it to pass the way it was head- ing and everything will be fine. there’s not much to worry about. Petty crime is low and anything more se- rious is even rarer. In the capital some local lout may ask you in passing to give him your shoes, but they won’t take them by force. Malaria has been al- most eradicated here and no vaccine is required.
Možda i najlepša od prirodnih lepota ove zemlje su – ljudi. Nenametljivi, a prisni, nasmejani i otvoreni, pode- liće s neznancima dragocene priče a da pritom ne traže ništa zauzvrat. O momentu kada su, posle mnogo odri- canja, sagradili svoju baraku. O danu kada su dete po-
slali na studije. O otporu i snazi, malim očekivanjima i velikim nadama. Posetite li Sao Tome i Prinsipe, postoji realna mogućnost da vas zaraze – svojim dobrim raspoloženjem i vedrim duhom. Perhaps the most beautiful aspect of this country’s natural beau- ty is its people. Unobtrusive and approachable, smiling and open, they will share stories with strangers and seek nothing in return. Stories about the moment when, after sacrificing so much, they finally built their shack; about the day they sent their child away to study; about resistance and strength, low expectations and high hopes. If you visit São Tomé and Príncipe there is a realistic chance that you will get infected – by their good mood and cheerful spirit.
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