Elevate January 2019 | Air Serbia



- Verujemo u visoki potencijal Beograda kao turističke i poslovne destinacije i želimo da pomognemo da aerodrom taj potencijal ostvari - izjavio je Nikola Notbar, predsednik VINCI Airports i generalni direktor VINCI Concessions. Sa ambicioznom vizi- jomzaaerodromuBeogradu,uskladusasnaž- nim potencijalom privrednog rasta Srbije, VINCI Airports će se posebno usmeriti na unapređenje operativnih uslova čineći Be- ograd referentnim aerodromom u jugoi- stočnoj Evropi. VINCI Airports će se oslo- niti na partnerske odnose sa više od 250 avio-kompanija kako bi povećao saobra- ćaj na beogradskom aerodromu i, poseb- no, kako bi omogućio Er Srbiji da ponudi nove i održive letove i destinacije. Er Sr- bija je ne samo nacionalni avio-prevoznik već i prva avio-kompanija i najvažniji par- tner aerodroma. Zato će jedan od glavnih ciljeva VINCI Airportsa biti uska saradnja sa Er Srbijom kao ključnim elementom ra- zvojne strategije za Aerodrom Nikola Te- sla. Strategija je da se značajno poboljša dan putnika podizanjem kvaliteta usluge na nove visine i razvijanjem nove komer- cijalne ponude sa isticanjem kulture i ve- ština Srbije. Ambiciozni investicioni plan će strategiju podržati proširenjem kapaci- titeta aerodroma. Da bi realizovao ovu strategiju, VINCI Airports će primeniti sopstveno iskustvo iz vođenja začuđujuće serije uspešnih transfor- macija, poput postizanja rasta avio-saobra- ćaja od 50% u globalnoj aerodromskoj mreži Portugala, udvostručenja kapaciteta aero- droma Santijago u Čileu, vodeći najznačaj- niji 50-godišnji program obnavljanja Kan- zai aerodroma, o čemu svedoče vrhunske nagrade struke za inovacije i kvalitet usluge. POSVEĆENOST ODRŽIVOM I ZAJEDNIČKOM RASTU Kao novi član globalne mreže VINCI Airports, beogradski aerodrom će od sada imati koristi od politike korporativne druš- tvene odgovornosti koja pitanja očuvanja životne sredine i društvene zajednice stav- lja u srž svog modela. Ekskluzivna AirPa- ct strategija VINCI Airportsa doprineće smanjenju ispuštanja ugljen-dioksida na aerodromu u Beogradu, optimizaciji ko- rišćenja energije i prirodnih resursa, kao i zaštiti biodiverziteta. Istovremeno, VINCI Airports Akade- mija ojačaće timove aerodroma u Beo- gradu unapređivanjem stručnosti i zna- nja, otvarajući put za velike napretke i promene u karijeri u okviru celokupne mreže grupe.

“ We believe in the great potential of Belgrade as a leisure and business destination, and want to help the airport realise this potential,” said Nicolas Notebaert Verujemo u visoki potencijal Beograda kao turističke i poslovne destinacije i želimo da pomognemo da aerodrom taj potencijal ostvari, izjavio je Nikola Notbar

V INCI Airports became the new concessionaire of Belgrade Nikola Tesla Airport in 2018, via a 25-year concession con- tract signed with the Government of the Republic of Serbia. The formal takeover of operations on 22 nd December 2018 marked the beginning of a new phase that will see Belgrade Airport become a leading hub of Southeast Europe.

nerships with over 250 airlines to further increase Belgrade Airport’s trac gures and specically enable Air Serbia to oer new long-haul routes. Air Serbia is the air- port’s rst airline and largest partner by far, beyond being the agship carrier of the country. One of the main objectives of VINCI Airports will be to work hand-in-hand with Air Serbia, as a key component of the company’s development strategy for Nikola Tesla Airport. The strategy will strive to no- tably improve passengers’ journeys by el- evating quality of service to new heights and developing a new commercial oer that celebrates Serbian culture and kno- whow. An ambitious investment plan will support the strategy, adding to the exist- ing capacity of the airport.


As the world’s rst private airport op- erator, VINCI Airports develops, nances, constructs and provides daily operations and services for 45 airports in France and around the world. With unique delivery ca- pacities, VINCI Airports operates as a glob- al integrator, serving regions, airlines and retailers in order to unlock the full poten- tial of airports and deliver an improved passenger experience. With strong leader- ship in programme management and con- struction, trac development, extra-aero- nautical activities and passenger services, VINCI Airports stands as the perfect partner to take Belgrade Airport to the next level.


To deliver this strategy, VINCI Airports will build on its stunning series of transform- ative leadership successes, such as reaching 50% growth in trac throughout Portugal’s global airport network, doubling Santiago de Chile Airport’s capacity, or leading Kansai Airport’s most important renovation pro- gramme in 50 years and receiving top in- dustry awards for innovation and quality of service. As a new member ofVINCI Airports’glob- al network, Belgrade Nikola Tesla Airport will be supported by a corporate policy that plac- es environmental and community concerns at the heart of its model. VINCI Airports’ ex- clusive AirPact Strategy will help reduce the airport’s carbon footprint, optimise the use of energy and natural resources, and pro- tect biodiversity. And VINCI Airports Acade- my will empower the teams of Belgrade Air- port by boosting their skills and knowhow, thus paving the way for great professional careers throughout its network.


“We believe in the great potential of Belgrade as a leisure and business desti- nation, and want to help the airport real- ise this potential,” said Nicolas Notebae- rt, President of VINCI Airports and CEO of VINCI Concessions. With an ambitious vision for Belgrade Airport that’s aligned with Serbia’s strong economic growth potential, VINCI Airports will aim specically at improving operation- al conditions, making Belgrade’s a standout example of a top airport in Southeast Eu- rope. VINCI Airports will build on its part-

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