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, likes airserbia Can you guess which city we are approaching?
, likes airserbia Say hi to Isabella, our future pilot! #CrewLife photo by @lucijasalov
Tokom putovanja, na letovima upoznajemo različite ljude. Nekada steknemo poznanstva za ceo život, a ponekad se samo trudimo da razgovor svedemo na najmanju moguću meru. Posetite naš YouTube kanal i poslušajte priče koje Miloš Biković deli sa našim putnicima u sklopu kampanje „Svaki put po tvojoj meri“. Meta paparaca, večiti romantik i filmska zvezda – ne možemo da se odlučimo koji lik nas je više zabavio! During our travels, on sum- mer holidays we meet various peo- ple. Sometimes we make acquaintanc- es that last a lifetime, while sometimes we only try to reduce conversation to a minimum. Visit our YouTube channel and listen to the stories that Miloš Bik- ović shares with our guests under the auspices of the campaign “Every jour- ney tailored to you”. A paparazzi target, hopeless romantic and lm star – we can’t decide which character enter- tained us the most!
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