U muzici Rahmanjinova čuju se Bah, Betoven, List, Šopen i Debisi In Rachmaninoff’s music one can also hear Bach, Beethoven, List, Chopin and Debussy
O PIJANISTI Sinčuk je počeo intenzivno da nastupa širom Ru- sije i u inostranstvu kao student Centralne mu- zičke škole. Na studijama klavira na Moskov- skom muzičkom konzervatorijumu Čajkovski, pod mentorstvom Valerija Pjasetskog, postao je laureat mnogih prestižnih pijanističkih konkursa. Od 2014. bavi se pedagogijom, a radio je i kao asistent na Državnom moskovskom konzervato- rijumu. Redovno održava majstorske kurseve u Evropi, Americi i Aziji. U decembru je svirao Rah- manjinovljeve kompozicije u Kolarčevoj zadužbi- ni u Beogradu. U Srbiju rado dolazi, i to ne samo zbog nastupa.
ABOUT THE PIANIST Sinchuk began performing intensively throughout Rus- sia and abroad as a student of the Central Music School. During piano studies at the Moscow State Tchaikovsky Conservatory, under the mentorship of Valery Piaset- sky, he became the laureate of many prestigious pi- ano competitions. He has been engaged in pedagog- ical work since 2014 and has worked as an assistant professor at the Moscow State Conservatory. He regu- larly holds master classes in Europe, America and Asia. In December 2018 he performed Rachmanino’s com- positions at the Kolarac Endowment Foundation in Bel- grade. He happily comes to Serbia, and not only due to performances.
pio nekoliko meseci pre smr- ti, i rusku pravoslavnu crkvu u kojoj mu je 1943. godine služe- no opelo. – U Njujorku na zgradi u ko- joj je on oko 20 godina imao stan nalazi se spomen-tabla. Kad god dođem na Menhetn, odem da vidim to mesto. Ne želi da upoređuje Rah- manjinova sa drugim kompo- zitorima jer upoređivanjem se uvek spusti do kategorija bo- lje ili lošije . – To je neprihvatljivo kada je reč o genijima klasične mu- zike. U Rahmanjinovljevoj mu- zici čudesno su kombinovani i prepleteni različiti pravci, stilo- vi i čitave epohe. Čuju se u njoj i Bah, Betoven, List, Šopen i De- bisi. A pritom je potpuno ru- ska muzika, od početka do kraja. Jedno od najpopularnijih njego- vih dela, Treći koncert za klavir i orkestar , u isto vreme se sma- tra jednim od najkompleksni- jih dela ne samo Rahmanjinova već i cele pijanističke literatu- re. Fizički i emocionalno, to de- lo je teško uporediti sa bilo ko- jim drugim. I predstavlja veliki izazov za svakog pijanistu.
egory of better or worse.
fetch as much. The performance sold for a million dollars. Rahmanino was delight- ed, though he noted with a smile that he’d didn’t receive a cent of that million dollars.” Sinchuk spent several years living in America. He visited Rachmanino’s Bever- ly Hills home, which he bought just a few months before his death, and the Russian Orthodox Church where he was ocially interned in 1943. “In NewYork there is a memorial plaque on the building where he had an apartment for about 20 years. I go to see this place whenever I visit Manhattan.” He doesn’t want to compare Rach- manino to other composers, because comparison always boils down to the cat-
“That’s unacceptable when it comes to classical music geniuses. In Rachmanino’s music there are dierent directions, styles and entire epochs that are wonderfully combined and intertwined. In it one can also hear Bach, Beethoven, List, Chopin and Debussy. And that’s still completely Russian music, from start to nish. One of his most popular works is ‘Piano Concerto No. 3’, which is also considered one of the most complex pieces – not only of Rach- manino, but throughout the entire liter- ature of pianists. Physically and emotion- ally, it’s tough to compare this work with any other. And it represents a great chal- lenge for every pianist.”
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