delight you a
Kolekciju za Moskino potpisuje Džeremi Skot, a njegov miks stilskih, provokativnih i savremenih elemenata u jednom modelu će vas oduševiti Mix of stylish, provocative and contemporary elements in Jeremy Scott’s new Moschino collection will
A ko spadate u modne zaljubljenice, sigurno ste sklone da kreatorima praštate malu neudob- nost u ime estetike, ali niko zaista ne želi da trpi u ime lepote. Srećom, moda je postala po- prično prijateljska. Ukoliko samo ovlaš pregledate nove trendove, shvatićete da su uglavnom svi nosivi i prila- godljivi većini prilika u kojima se nalazi savremena že- na. Estetika i funkcionalnost sada idu ruku pod ruku. I znate šta? Odlično se slažu! I f you are among the ranks of fashion lovers, you’re certain to forgive creators a little discomfort in the name of aesthetics, but nobody really wants to suer in the name of beauty. For- tunately, fashion has become rather friendly. With just a cur- sory review of new trends you will realise that they are mainly wearable and adaptable to most situations that a modern wom- an can nd herself in. Aesthetics and functionality now go hand in hand. And, do you know what? They get on great!
TIE A BOW FOR THAT EFFECT They are so extravagant and striking that they’re often enough to decorate every toilet. They wander easily through dierent styles, love all occasions and can be worn by any woman. You’ve guessed that we’re talking about bows. Oversized on shoulders with ribbons that almost cover you, large ones that peak out from the bust-line of a for- mal dress or appear tting on the waist- line alongside a minimalist dress? This time you choose. Every place is the right place for a bow. VEŽITE MAŠNU ZA ONAJ EFEKAT Toliko su ekstravagantne i upečatljive, da su često dovoljan ukras svake toale- te. Lako šetaju kroz različite stilove, vo- le sve prilike i mogu da ih nose baš sve žene. Pogađate, govorimo o mašnama. Predimenzionirane na ramenima s tra- kama koje će vas skoro prekriti, velike koje naviru s poprsja svečanih haljina ili decentne na struku uz minimalističku haljinu? Ovog puta vi birate. Svuda je mesto za mašnu. 10
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