IVKO WOMAN Considering the specic artistic expres- sion and design of the Ivko Woman collec- tion, we’re talking about products intended for buyers with greater purchasing power and special fashion tastes and expressiveness, and not the so-called mainstream fashion. It was for these reasons that the company has been compelled to develop additional export mar- kets since 2004, with appearances at the CPD - then Germany’s best fashion show, in Düs- seldorf. Success was instantaneous – custom- ers responded phenomenally, literally queu- ing up to order our products. Ivko Woman has been growing since to this day, on both do- mestic and foreign markets, and has managed to keep pace with all modern challenges and technologies. Ivko is one of the few companies from this part of the world that has succeed- ed in pushing its authentic design worldwide. More than 85 per cent of total produc- tion is exported, and Ivko now participates in the world’s leading fashion events in Par- is, London, New York, Berlin, Amsterdam, Co- penhagen, Moscow and Las Vegas, and has an organised sales network in the EU, Cana- da, the U.S., Switzerland, the countries of the formerYugoslavia,Russia,Taiwan,HongKong, Japan, Australia and New Zealand. Our prod- ucts can be found in more than 1,000 mul- ti-brand retail outlets around the world and are increasingly available via various online platforms. Moreover, we recently also start- ed developing our own franchised retail net- work, with the rst Ivko Woman mono-brand outlets having opened in Prague, Barcelona and Moscow, with plans also included Munich and Vienna, as well as an online platform for the EU market. ANA LJUBINKOVIĆ My international experience began in 2013, thanks to Nenad Radujević, with my colleagues from Belgrade Fashion Week I was then representing Serbia within the scope of the international fashion show organised in London by the British Fashion Council. It was there that I started cooperating with small PR agency “I.Dea”, which is run by Andrea Varga, a girl who’s originally from Belgrade. In those rst years we established contacts, and in the last few years we’ve been cooper- ating with many important stylists and mag- azines around the world, but also with stars of world music including Lady Gaga, Miley Cyrus, Paloma Faith et al. For small brands like “Ana Ljubinkovic” and“ABO”, which I work on with my sister Iva, penetrating world markets is a big step that demands lots of work and plenty of uncer- tainty. We are ready for that and are looking forward to the new experiences and success that we expect in the year ahead.
very departure out into the world is extraordinarily useful and very impor- tant for overviewing what you’re do- ing as an author in your fashion ex-
ANA LJUBINKOVIĆ Saradnja sa svetskim zvezdama među kojima su Ledi Gaga, Majli Sajrus, Paloma Fejt... Cooperation with stars of world music including Lady Gaga, Miley Cyrus, Paloma Faith...
pression. In that sense, international fashion show were equally challenging, but also repre- sented an obligation for us to present our work in the best possible way. We’ve had presenta- tions in recent years in Abu Dhabi, Paris and Shanghai, but we’re also regularly present in the region. I think Serbia’s fashion scene has a lot to oer, but it’s more dicult in some way for the makers of original fashion to present their products in a marketable manner, due to the specic requirements of the international market. We received proof that we’re on the right track in fashion terms at all of our pres- entations, where we interested individual cli- ents and initiated some future collaboration. Cooperation with international markets, in the concept of Atelier Igor Todorović, is di- rected towards individual clients who buy our demi couture or haute couture lines and wear them in numerous world cities. It’s a privilege that we have clients who are ambassadors of our aesthetics and in that way we reach peo- ple who don’t know us or aren’t familiar with the original work we’re nurturing. Our plans are to actively participate in fashion events in duecourseandtomarketourdesignsthrough sales to the markets of Italy and the Emirates, which we’ve been working on with great ded- ication in recent years. ALEKSANDRA LALIĆ My experiences to date are, on the whole, related to Germany and Austria, considering that I’ve been exhibiting at their fashion and designs fairs for seven years. Vienna has prov- en to be an excellent market for the style I cul- tivate, which is a fusion of the classical and ec- centric, realised in quality material, as feminine asitisandrogenic.Viennesewomenembraced it since the rst appearance in 2014, when I had a pop-up outlet, to this day, when the Lalica brand can be found in the Unikatessen con- cept store. And for a fashion worker – who not only comes up with their own designs, but al- so transfers, sells, contracts, applies, organises and, ultimately, invents their own business – that love at rst sight really provides one with a tail wind. When it comes to the countries of the region, I sell in both Croatia and Slovenia, and they are precious markets but, like ours, small ones. My plans are related to attempts to present to some new markets. In such ef- forts, domestic independent designers are provided with signicant support from Bel- grade Fashion Week, which renders our work visible in foreign fashion magazines, as well as in organising our participation in foreign fashion events.
gama sa Beogradske nedelje mode predstavljala Srbiju u okviru među- narodne modne izložbe koju je u Lon- donu organizovao Britiš fešen kaun- sil. Tamo sam započela saradnju s malom PR agencijom I.Dea, koju vo- di Andrea Varga, devojka poreklom iz Beograda. Prvih godina smo sti- cale kontakte, a poslednjih nekoli- ko sarađujemo s brojnim značajnim stilistima, magazinima širom sveta, kao i sa svetskim muzičkim zvezda- ma, među kojima su Ledi Gaga, Maj- li Sajrus, Paloma Fejt... Za male brendove kakvi su Ana Ljubinković i ABO, na kojem radim s rođenom sestrom Ivom, proboj na svetsko tržište je veliki korak koji iziskuje mnogo rada i dosta neizve- snosti. Mi smo spremni za to i radu- jemo se novom iskustvu i uspehu ko- ji očekujemo u narednoj godini.
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