I zašli ste na prvi sastanak s devojkom. Posle pića ste, naravno, otišli u bioskop. Svetla su se ugasila, sedišta su udobna, atmosfera je idealna za prvi poljubac. I tren pre magičnog trenutka počinje automobilska jurnjava na platnu, a vaša sedišta se uključuju u poteru! Počinje ska- kanje gore, dole, levo, desno, kao na safariju. Adrenalin skače, vi samo što niste uleteli u platno. Zabava fenomenalna, ali nažalost od poljupca ništa. Ko da se ljubi usred te ludnice! Magični trenutak moraće da sačeka dok je ispratite do ulaznih vrata, a tada kako vam bude... Šalu na stranu, najnovija MX4D tehnologija, odnosno prvi Cineplexx 4D bioskopi u Beogradu i Novom Sadu potpuno su nova dimenzija uživa- nja u sedmoj umetnosti. Pomoću specijalnih efekata, revolucionarne 4D tehnologije, sada je moguće ne samo gledati film već ga možete osetiti či- tavim telom, jer smo sve bliže virtuelnoj stvarnosti. Treba napomenuti da nisu svi filmovi urađeni za 4D tehnologiju. Reci- mo, oni romantični tipa Zvezda je rođena, u kojem Ledi Gaga i Bredli Ku- per ne jure automobilima, ne upucavaju vanzemaljce niti skaču dva me- tra iznad zemlje. Njima je vrhunac akcije kad, što bi Bajaga rekao, muziku propuste kroz žicu, pa se mogu gledati samo u klasičnoj tehnologiji. E, taj film je idealan – za prvi poljubac.
Tekst / Words: Ivan Jovanović Fotografije / Photography: Profimedia.rs, iStock / andresr
Kao neko ko obožava filmove, imao sam sreću da među prvima u Srbiji isprobam novu tehnologiju. Gledao sam Venoma, koji me nije oborio s nogu, ali sedište u bioskopu umalo jeste! Učestvovao sam u poteri i samo što nisam uleteo u platno. Prava uživancija... As someone who adores lms, I had the good fortunate of being among the rst in Serbia to try out this new technology. I watched the lm Venom, which didn’t knock me over, but the seat in the cinema almost did! I participated in the chase and almost ew into the screen. Real enjoyment...
Y ou’ve gone on a rst date with a girl. After introductory drinks, you’ve nat- urally gone to the cinema. The lights go out, the seats are comfortable and the atmosphere is ideal for that rst kiss. And then, an instant before that magical moment, a car chase starts on the screen, and your seats engage in the pursuit! They start bouncing up and down, left and right, as though you’re on sa- fari. Adrenaline rushes as you almost y into the screen. Phenomenal fun, but unfor- tunately not for kissing. Who could kiss in the middle of such craziness! That magical moment will have to wait until you escort her to her front door, and then it’s up to you... Joking aside, the latest MX4D technology, or rather the rst Cineplexx 4D cine- mas in Belgrade and Novi Sad, provides completely new dimensions of enjoyment in the seventh art. With the help of special eects and revolutionary 4D technology, it’s now possible to not only watch a lm, but rather to feel it with your entire body, because we’re moving ever closer to virtual reality. It should be noted that not all lms are made for 4D technology. For instance, it’s not for romantic lms like A Star is Born, in which Lady Gaga and Bradley Coop- er don’t get involved in car chases, don’t shoot aliens or leap two metres into the air. The highlight of the action for them is when, as Serbian rocker Bajaga would say, mu- sic falls through the strings, so they can only be watched using classical technology. Well, such lms are ideal – for a rst kiss.
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