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Ali blokbasteri su nešto dru- go. Imao sam sreću, kao neko ko obožava filmove, da među prvima u Srbiji isprobam novu tehnologi- ju. Gledao sam Venoma, ne previ- še kvalitetan film, sa fantastičnim Tomom Hardijem. E, tu je 4D zasi- jala u svom najvećem sjaju. Na re- klamnom flajeru piše: „MX4D pred- stavlja budućnost kinematografije i pruža čak 14 specijalnih efekata, među kojima su kiša, vetar, magla, čak i sneg!“ Nije bukvalno tako, ali kada je magla na filmu, sala se ispu- ni maglom, kada na Hardija počne da pada kiša, i na vas u publici pad- ne nekoliko kapi. Kada na platnu vetar počne da besni, i vaša kosa će osetiti solidan povetarac. Jurnja- va automobilima ili trka ulicama ili džunglom zaista je kao da ste u fil- mu. MX4D sala opremljena je spe- cijalnim sedištima koja se kreću u skladu s radnjom filma, a u sali do- datni uređaji proizvode mirise i me- huriće, kao i golicanje vrata i nogu, tako da tokom gledanja filma sva čula budu aktivna. Recimo, kada na Toma Hardija pucaju, pa ga kao u svakom osrednjem filmu promašu- ju, ali zato vrhunski pogađaju cen- timetre zemlje iza njegovih peta, i vi na nogama osetite golicanje od zemlje dignute u vazduh. Eksplozi- je će vas dobro razmrdati, a i mirisi filma će vam ući u nozdrve. Zami- slite kakva vas jeza očekuje ako se ludom hrabrošću odlučite da ne- ki horor gledate u ovoj tehnologiji. Pa zli klovn izađe iz ormara i tiho izdahne u vrat iza leđa svoj žrtve. A vi osetite i taj dah. Brrr... Ko je lud, nek proba, ja sigurno neću... Da ovo ne bude hvalospev čo- veka navučenog na raznorazne ho- livudske čarolije, treba reći da 4D bioskop jeste vrhunska zabava, ali nije baš za svakoga i za svaki mo- menat. U filmu ćete aktivno sude- lovati i bukvalno biti deo njega, ali se nećete opustiti. Bićete spremni svakog trena za novu jurnjavu i gi- banje iz filma. Iz sedišta ćete primi- ti poneki udarac (bezbolan), malo ćete pokisnuti (nećete se prehladi- ti), ali iz bioskopa ćete izaći nešto umorniji nego što ste ušli u njega. A poljubac – njega nećete zaraditi, ni da ste Tom Hardi lično. Zato je 4D idealna prilika da, ako volite bioskop, dodate novu di- menziju gledanja filmova. Ali pa- žljivo birajte i film i trenutak da bi ugođaj bio potpun.
in accordance with a lm’s action, while additional devices in the auditorium pro- duce smells and bubbles, as well as tickling necks and legs, ensuring that all senses are active while you watch a lm. For in- stance, when they shoot at Tom Hardy and – like in every mediocre lm – miss him but accurately hit the ground just behind his heels, you feel a tickling sensation on your legs from the dirt thrown into the air. Explosions will shake you well, while scents from the lm will ll your nostrils. Imagine the kinds of shivers that await you if you opt, with some crazy courage, to watch a horror lm with this technol- ogy. When an evil clown emerges from a closet and silently exhales onto the neck of his victim behind their back, and you also feel that breath. Brrr! Let someone who’s crazy try that, I certainly won’t... To avoid this being the tribute song of someone addicted to Hollywood’s various spells, it should be noted that 4D cinema certainly represents top entertainment, but it’s not for everyone or for every mo- ment. You will actively participate in the lm and literally become part of it, but you won’t feel relaxed. At every moment you’ll be ready for new pursuits and jerk- ing motions from the lm. From your seat you’ll receive a beating (painless), you’ll be rained on a little (you won’t catch a cold), but you’ll leave the cinema feeling more exhausted than you were when you entered. And you won’t earn a kiss, not even if you’re Tom Hardy himself. That’s why 4D represents an ideal opportunity for those of you who love the cinema to add a new dimension to watching lms. But be careful to choose the right lm and the right moment to ensure the experience is complete.
Eksplozije će vas dobro razmrdati, a i mirisi filma će vam ući u nozdrve Explosions will shake you well, while scents from the film will fill your nostrils
But blockbusters are something else. I was fortunate – as someone who adores lms – to be among the rst in Serbia to try out this new technology. I watched Ven- om, which wasn’t a particularly high-qual- ity lm, but starring the fantastic Tom Har- dy. Well, with such lms 4D shines in its best light. The promotional yer states that MX4D represents the future of cine- matography and oers as many as 14 spe- cial eects, including rain, wind, fog and even snow! That’s not literally the case, but when fog appears in a lm, the au- ditorium lls with mist, and when rain starts falling on Hardy, a few drops also fall on you in the audience. When wind starts raging on the screen, you will al- so feel a strong breeze blowing though your hair. And when there are car chases or races through streets or jungles you really feel as though you’re in the lm. MX4D cinema auditoriums are equipped with special seats that move
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