King's Business - 1928-02


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Showing the Foreign Mission Fields where over 300 Men and Women Trained in the Bible Institute of Los Angeles have gone to help the Church to Obey Her Lord’s Command (Mark 16:15). Courses Offered Intending Missionaries Covered in Two Years, or Three if Medical Work is Desired

History of Missions from Apostolic A g e until now. Text-book supplemented by addresses from visiting furloughed missionaries. Study of Home Missions— W ork amongst the In­ dians, Negroes, Southern Mountaineers, Mex­ icans and other foreign residents. Observa­ tion of various missions in Los Angeles. The English Bible----History, Contents a n d Teachings, T ypology, Fulfilled and Unful­ filled Prophecy, etc. The Great Doctrines c f the Christian Religion Personal Evangelism Church History Philosophy and Psychology of the Christian Religion Homiletics— the Preparation and Delivery of Addresses and Sermons. Christian Education— Understanding Child Na­ ture, Story Telling, Selecting and Arranging

Suitable Teaching Material, the Principles of Teaching, Practice Teaching, Organizing the Bible School. Practical Church Music Report Meeting (w eekly) for Discussion of Prac­ tical Problems met by the students in their assigned Christian work. CHRISTIAN SERVICE MEDICAL COURSE T o follow course outlined above or its equivalent Materia Medica Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat Obstetrics Theory and Practice of Nursing Constitutional Diseases Skin Diseases Tropical Diseases Anatomy and Physiology Clinics Practical Life Problems Advanced Philosophy and Psychology The Messages of the Books of the Bible Christ and the Cure of Souls

No Tuition Fees.

Nominal Registration and Nurse and Hospital Fees

For Bulletin containing full information address Extension Dept. Bible Institu te of Los Angeles 5 3 6 - 5 5 8 S o u t h H o p e S t r e e t , L o s A n g e l e s , C a l i f o r n i a

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