King's Business - 1928-02

T h e 1B.B.B.B.™* W ith no apologies to The A. A. A. A. K i n g ' s


B u s i n e s s

February 1928

president of the British Association for the Advancement o f Science, and in America, Professor Gregory o f the American Museum o f Natural History; and W HEREAS in face o f the foregoing fact, the clergy, almost without exception, certain professors of science, and religious lawmakers blatantly deny Darwinian Evolu­ tion, with much talk about a “ common ancestor” for mon­ keys and men, and even the wild invention o f a “ dawn man,” NOW , THEREFORE , BE IT RESOLVED that we, the New York members o f the American Association for the Advancement o f Atheism, together with our friends, assembled at the Ingersoll Forum, in Guild Hall, 113 W . 57th St., this 23rd day of October, 1927, acknowledge our kinship, through direct descent, with the Simians, and hereby deplore this disdainful attitude towards our fore­ parents ; and W E FURTHERMORE denounce this intolerable conceit o f our fellow-beings who because they are clothed imagine themselves not related to animals. We call upon Atheists everywhere fearlessly and proudly to proclaim their own ancestry. (The Resolution was almost unanimously adopted.) (Signed) Charles Smith, Pres. A .A .A .A . ate ate Now Let Us Hear from the Apes Resolution offered at the Tribal Convention o f the African Association for the Advancement of A pes: WHEREAS the news has reached these jungles that the Atheists of the United States o f America have boldly and blatantly claimed to be related to our tribe, and having also come to our shores pictures revealing the disgusting appearances of this cigarette-smoking, tobacco-chewing, booze-guzzling species together with accounts of their foul-mouthed defiance o f the God who created us all, and WHEREAS we learn that the prisons of their land are filled with criminals who curse God and their fellow men and that these organized Atheists are almost invariably the enemies of law and order, ever seeking the demolition of existing governments, and that they are the advocates o f free love and wholesale lust among their species, and the removal of all moral restraints, and WHEREAS we.have heard of the carnage and blood­ shed, hatred and blasphemy, vice and debauchery, divorce and licentiousness which these people encourage by their assaults against the God of Heaven, against the Bible which, has always elevated the morals o f their species, and against men and women whose work is to call others to holy and righteous living, NOW , THEREFORE , BE IT RESOLVED that we, the members of the African Association for the Advance­ ment o f Apes, disclaim all charges o f kinship and brand their resolution as a rank insult to our tribe, in view o f the fact that they cannot offer one iota of evidence that a single child, bearing the remotest resemblance to their species, was ever born into one of our families. FURTHERMORE , we denounce the colossal con­ ceit o f these people who stoop to acts that none of our tribe would commit, and then seek to excuse themselves on account o f their brute ancestry. W e call upon apes, in all jungles of the world, to ferociously lay their claws upon everyone o f these creatures who seek to penetrate our jungles ■, unmercifully to tear them limb from limb, but to strictly maintain a vegetarian and animal-flesh diet, lest our tribe become infested with foul diseases.


Does the Bible Advocate Polygamy? E have touched upon some o f the statements of the Junior Atheist League tract being cir­ culated in the Schools. This leaflet is en­ titled: “ Holy Bible ,in a Nutshell.” • From time to time, we will take up other of the assertions. Each statement calls for much writing, so that it is impossible to answer the entire tract, in one article. The author of this infamous circular, says, “ The Bible upholds polygamy.” He then refers to the cases of Sol­ omon and Gideon. This is well answered in a recent article on “ Marriage” by Delevan L. Pierson. We quote: “ While polygamy was practiced under primitive con­ ditions, there is no indication that it was ever approved by God. ‘Neither shall he multiply wives to himself, that his heart turn not away’ (Deut. 17:17). Christian men are enjoined in the New Testament to have only one wife (1 Tim. 3:2, 12) and Christian women are to have only one husband (1 Tim. 5 :9 ). “ While even good men, under primitive conditions, at times took more than one wife, the evils of polygamy were manifest. The first one recorded as marrying two women was a son o f Cain (Gen. 4 :1 9 ), who apparently was also a murderer (Gen. 4:23, 24 ). The evil results of polygamy were shown even in the cases of' Abraham and of Jacob. They are emphasized in the cases of David and Solomon (Neh. 13:26, 27). “ Not only is promiscuous impurity sternly condemned (1 Cor. 6:12-20; Jude 7 and Rev. 2 1 :8), but even impur­ ity of thought and unfaithfulness in desire is rebuked both in men and in women. Jesus Christ said: “ ‘Whoso lqoketh . . . to lust . . . hath committed adultery . ...'i n his heart’ (Matt. 5 :28). It is the ‘pure in heart’ who see God, and nothing obscures the vision o f God and o f right more than impurity of thought and life. There is a very definite connection between the increase of general sex immorality and divorce during the past twenty-five years and the increase o f godlessness . . . especially in our cities and among the rich. A great safe­ guard for morality among both men and women is monog­ amous marriage (1 Cor. 7 :2 ). ‘To avoid fornication, let every man have his own wife, and let every woman have her own husband.’ The apostle goes on to show that this is a general rule but that for some the unmarried state may be better (1 Cor. 7 :8)..” ¿¡Mi. ate ate Atheists and Apes Resolution offered at the Ingersoll Forum, New York City, Sunday evening, Oct. 23, 1927: WHEREAS the ape ancestry o f man was demon­ strated last century by Darwin, Huxley, and Haeckel, and in our own day has been strongly established’ by the most eminent scientists, including in Europe, Sir Arthur Keith,

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