King's Business - 1928-02


February 1928

T h e

K i n g ' s

B u s i n e s s

A Great Conference at Hunan Institute B y D r . F rank A. K eller

f H INA is awake! China is thinking! China is ready to listen to and thoughtfully consider any message brought to her with the enthusiasm of ? genuine conviction. China has been passing through a fiery furnace o f affliction and trial; she has discovered, at great cost, that high-sounding promises are not necessarily

known far and wide the glorious news o f the love o f God and of full and free salvation through faith in our Lord Jesus Christ. Then, too, during the past few months o f persecu­ tion and testing they have seen so many manifestations of

the mighty power o f God, and of the transforming power of the Gospel, that they are start­ ing out with a fresh enthusiasm and with a stronger faith. Oh,; that every reader would join in this year’s campaign in a very practical way. Will you not make a firm resolution right now to pray for these men daily and for the vast multitudes to whom they will be preaching? I am convinced that the next year or two will be a time of tre­ mendous importance in China," and how I long that God would reveal to each child o f His in the homelands .what a real and vital part prayer has in the evangelization of this great land. Although our premises at Changsha were occupied by sol­ diers for several weeks, God graciously restrained them from breaking open the cases o f books stored in our warehouses and from mutilating and burning the books; so we had a full stock of Gospels, Testaments, and other books on hand, and at the close o f the conference it was most inspiring to see the enthusiasm with which the evangelists se­ lected and packed the books needed" for the new year’s work. F ight B ands in the F teld Eight of ou.r regular bands are now at work, and two smaller bands. The incidents re­ corded below are taken from a recent report o f our Band No. 3 and are striking illustrations of the great advantages, espe­ cially in the present crisis in

real; she has ' learned in the school of persecution and loss that Communism with all its boasting and fine words is not her true friend; and she is ready as never before to thoughtfully consider the Gospel o f Jesus Christ. Everywhere in China the door is open, W IDE OPEN , and Chinese preachers, Chinese messengers o f the Cross, are un­ doubtedly the ones best fitted in every way to enter these open doors. In a new sense the Chinese are listening to the Gospel with “ spiritual wisdom and under­ standing” (Col. 1 :9 ), so that the faith and love o f the con­ verts “ abound more and more in knowledge and all discernment” (Phil. 1 :9 ). This is vital, and it means both a greater oppor­ tunity and a stronger church. One o f the best annual con­ ferences in the history o f the Hunan Bible Institute has just been held at Changsha. The conference was not great in numbers, for the attendance was much smaller than usual; only our own workers were invited and not all of them were able to be present, some of them being engaged in active and fruitful work among the large number o f pilgrims at Nanyoh, and others being hindered by diffi­ culties in travel, but the Holy Spirit was with us in power ;

P aul W ong : Policeman, Prisoner, Preacher. Mr. Wong was formerly a policeman in Pekin. While "serving a term in prison he found Christ. After his release he began a wheelbarrow evangelistic tour of China. He has now exchanged the wheelbarrow for a bicycle. The banner on the bicycle bears the words in Chinese “ The gracious gift of God is eternal life.” Several consignments of Testaments have been sent to him by the Pocket Testament League.

there was a marked spirit o f unity, love and joyous fel­ lowship, and a general consciousness of real blessing, and practical help received. M an y W ho H ad S uffered There were men at the conference who, during the past year, had been imprisoned for the Gospel’s sake, others who had suffered bitter persecution, and still others who had sustained serious losses, and yet these men are so sure that Jesus Christ alone can bring to China the peace and prosperity and rest she longs for, that they are ready and eager to start out on another year’s work to make

China, of the methods employed by our Biola Evangelistic Bands. In case after case it is clearly evident that the person or persons led to faith in Jesus Christ might never have come into this glorious and eternal relationship with God had not our evangelists made a contact with them by visiting their home or the home o f a neighbor in this special way. In one city, which they made their headquarters dur­ ing the early part o f the 'summer, work was especially difficult and demanded much prayer and the greatest tact. The Chinese pastor had been obliged to flee. Had he not done so it is practically certain that he would have been

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