King's Business - 1928-02

February 1928

T h e , K i n g ’ s

B u s i n e s s


Teacher Training Course by Miss Flor­ ence Chaffee, o f the Department of Chris­ tian Education. Over one hundred are already engaged in wprk of these two courses and many more will take up these studies this year. The Correspondence Department, in fact as well as name, “covers the earth.!’ The.Annual B. I. Picnic was held at the Griffith Park Municipal Athletic Field between Glendale and Hollywood. Frank Hitchin, P. G. ’27, and now doing special work in the Institute, was Chairman of the General Committee in charge o f the program. Let it be said, at once, that the committee functioned most ably. By common consent, B. I. has never seen a better handled, and a more enjoyable out­ ing. From the gathering on the steps of the Bible Institute Auditorium at 8 :30 a. m., and the boarding o f the special Pa­ cific Electric train at 8 :40, until the crowd returned to the Institute at 6 p. m., every moment was crowded with “super-spe­ cials.” There was everything from foot­ ball to “ eats,” with baseball, calisthenics, and a candle race by the faculty for after- dinner exercise. In honor o f the juniors, let it be recorded that they won the football game against the seniors 6 to 0. The baseball game was an even more decided victory, the; score being 13 to 0. T h e s e n i o r women sought to retrieve the honor of their class and managed to hold their junior opponents 16 to 16. It was worth the price o f admission to note Professor Alyh: :j McClain’s ability as a football referee. The aquatic events revealed some able contestants among the young preachers*--:'; It must not be'forgotten that the Los Angeles Breakfast Club very kindly grant­ e d the use o f their large out-door horse­ s h o e table for the lunch hour. In a most friendly fashion the president of this well- known organization welcomed students and faculty and graciously suggested our return at some future time. The devo­ tional service in the outdoor hillside sanc­ tuary brought to an appropriate close the day’s activities. Let us have more such . events! —o— Evening School Prospers The Evening School report of 1927 in­ dicates a large enrollment each term. Twenty-five different nationalities were represented with sixty-one different trades and professions, coming from sev- ■ enteen different church commúnions, The Evening School is now organized on the basis o f two semesters per year, the same as it is in the Day School. The Standard Teacher Training Course performs a-very helpful ministry in the life of many work­ ers in the field of Christian Education. Three I teachers are now instructing in specialization work in the Primary, Junior and Intermediate Departments. The syn­ thetic studies conducted by Dr. G. Camp­ bell Morgan each Friday evening in the main auditorium are eliciting a deep inter­ est. Over one thousand people listen each week to these masterly expositions o f the Word. -— o — It Was SOME Day


Glee Club Tours Both the Men’s, and the Women’s Glee Clubs were, out on short tours during the Christmas recess. The men, under the direction o f Professor J. B.¿’Trowbridge; journeyed in the direction o f Oxnard, with engagements along the way. The women, with Professor Herbert G. Tovey in charge, spent several days before' Christmas in and about Riverside.. We hope to have some pictures from theslg tours to be presented later. ■' - -o— Mr. Ross at Denver REV. BRITTON ROSS, Bible Institute Evangelist, closed a three weeks’ campaign in Beth Eden Baptist Church, Denver, 'December 4th. Results were good. Mr. Ross had the privilege o f addressing the student body at the Denver Bible Institute. Christian work in Denver has many hind­ rances to ■ overcome. Mr. Ross, with REV. LEO POLMAN, his’ .director and leader o f young people’s work, is now in; meetings at the Memorial Baptist Church at Fresno.. REV. CHARLES L. KAU, a former student, is the pastor. —o— Service Bands Formed The Student Missionary Union has been active during the fall in its deputational work. The Thursday evening programs have been conducted regularly. Follow -' ing the public service, prayer bands have been held. . Those interested in special countries meet in separate 'groups with the leaders who have been appointed, and pray definitely for the work and, the mis­ sionaries there. One of -the November meetings was addressed by Rev. D. L. Cooper, o f the Jewish Department, out­ lining the work being done among the Jews, in Los Angeles.

More B. I. Folks for China The December number o f China’s Mil­ lions reported the appointment of the following North American workers, the names o f whom are familiar to many B. I. friends: J. H. CASTO ’26, to West Yunnan, D. F. CAMPBELL ’24 to Che­ kiang, MISS IRMA DUDROW and MARGUERITE NAUGHTON ’26 to west Szechwan. Their work for the next few months will be largely in the way of short visits to ■ their, stations for the pur- pose o f investigation and the re-establish­ ment of personal contacts with the work, as well as to encourage the Chinese Chris­ tians. Much uncertainty, if not danger, will characterises this. service, and these workers should be remembered in special prayer. ■ —o— B. I. Male Quartet The Bible;-Institute male quartet, David P. Quiring, first tenor, Harry Shipcott, second tenor, Gerhard H. Jantzen, bari­ tone, and John Braun,'bass, has been in great demand’fduring the fall and early winter. In addition to a heavy classroom schedulSthese talented young men were able before Christmas to fill some thirty- six. engagements?^. They have borne, everywhere, a most helpful testimony. —o— Correspondence School Progress The Secretary o f the Correspondence School reports a snlendid growth in this department of the Institute during the past twelve months. The total number of en­ rollments during this period was about 1 , 0 0 0 , an increase o f one-third over that of previous years; 142 new certificates were issued to students completing studies; 2 new courses were added to the list last fall, the- “ Christian Workers, Efficiency Course^ by Keith L. Brooks, and a

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