King's Business - 1928-02


February 1928

T h e

K i n g ’ s

B u s i n e s s

The K ING ’S BUSINESS wants AGENTS EVERYWHERE Write for our proposition

Science and the Bible T AST 'year I had a party in research work in American archeology exca­ vating in the Kings River Country in Cali­ fornia,” '.says Harry. Rimmer. “Among the party was one young pre­ medical student who had a keen sense of humor. He never lacked for an answer to any question nor allowed time to hang on our hands. One night he got us all busy translating the old darky song ‘Uncle Ned’ into scientific terms. Try it some time for a g am e .W r ite this line: ‘There was an old nigger and his name was Uncle; Ned’ in scientific language! One of his translations sticks in my mind. He gave us this line— ‘He had no hair on the top o f his head. In the place 1 where the hair ought to grow.’ “ Translated: into scientific language, the lines read like this: ‘He had no follicle appendages on'the cutaneous apex of his cranial structure, anterior to the lhom- doidal suture and posterior to the sagital suture where said follicle appendages habitually germinate’ ! “Now isn’t that a classic way of say­ ing ‘He was bald’ ? The language of the Bible was and is for the common people; yet in scientific "language a man’s shin is called ‘the anterior cutaneous b o r d e r Tibialus.’ Try that on your phonograph but not on your ten-year-old child. Yet even a ten-year-old child can understand John 3 :16. “ So the Bible does not contain Scien­ tific language first of all because the Bible was meant to be read and heard and un­ derstood by all men everywhere. “ Second—The absence of scientific language in the Bible is further proof of its, authenticity.., “ Language is the vehicle o f man’s ex­ pression of thought, invented at need. We change our language constantly to meet new news of fresh knowledge. We add new words every year. If I have a book purporting to date from 1750 A. 1 D. and in that book I find the sentence

‘He went out to the garage and cranked up his flivver,’ I know the book to be a forgery. The word ‘flivver’ . was not coined until after the flivver was created. This simple illustration makes clear this point—the Bible:, could not contain mod­ ern scientific-language until modern scien­ tific facts were generally known. But they were known to the author o f thé Bible .and while ,the Bible does not use ■scientific language, its statements are never in opposition to scientific facts.”

NewEasyWay to R A IS E C ■ CHURCH H ^ FUNDS > Auxiliaries and Church Societies find Clark’s Metal Polish a remarkable fund-raiser. . It cleans all kinds of metal like magic, even sil­ verware. Absolutely fireproof. $25— $50— even $ 1 0 0 can be quickly raised, just show­ ing it to neighborhood women. Liberal dis­ counts make it easy. We have a wonderfully generous offer for authorized church workers. Write for details. Clark Chemical Co. DEPT. 15 BAY CITY, MICH. THE PANTON PAPERS C urrent E vents and P rophecy Foreword by Charles G. Trumbull, Editor The Sunday School Times Nearly thirty o f Rev. D. M. Panton’s great editorials from his journal, The Dawn, on these themes: Who is the Anti­ christ? The King o f the South; The Resurrection o f the Roman Empire; The Jew ; God’s Dial; The Flight o f the Pa­ pacy; Geology and the .Flood, etc. An en­ trancing- work. Cloth, $1 postpaid. Order now. Thomas M. Chalmers, 2652 Marion Avenue, New Y ork City SAVE A SOUL FROM DEATH This is being done in Africa, China, India, by Native Evangelists and Bible Women who are being supported for from 80c to $ 2 .0 0 a week, $40 to $100 for a year. Write Rev. H. A. Barton, Secy., Box B, 473 Greene Ave., Brooklyn, N. Y., for free literature.

REV. WM. F. SHARPE Well-known Eastern Evangelist and Bible Teacher 100% Fundamentalist Now available for revival meetings and Bible Conferences. Single Church of Union Meetings. Write him if considering special meetings. Address: 536 South H ope St., Los Angeles, Calif.

T o w e r Ch. The one most beautiful for Standard Sets, $t J. C. DEAGAN 175 Deagan Buildin

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