King's Business - 1928-02


■February 1928

T h e

K i n g ’ s

B u s i n e s s

“Marriage is the strictest tie o f per­ petual friendship, and there can be no friendship without ".‘ confidence, and no confidence without integrity; and he must expect to be wretched, who pays to beauty, riches, or politeness that regards which only virtue and piety can claim,’,’—Dr. Johnson. “ Two persons who have chosen each other out of all the species with a design to be each other’s mutual comfort and en­ tertainment have,' in that action, bound themselves. to be goodrhumored, affable, discreet, forgiving, patient, and joyful,, with respect to each other’s frailties and perfections, to the end o f their lives.”— Addison. ■ “Never marry but for love; but see that thou lovest what is lovely.”—Wm. Penn. “ I shall always endeavor to make choice o f such a woman for my spouse who hath first made choice of Christ as a spouse for herself; that none may be made one flesh with me who is not made one spirit with Christ my Saviour. For I look upon the image o f Christ as the best mark of beauty I can behold in her, and the grace of God as the best portion I can receive with her.”—Bp. Reynolds. — O— F ebr u ar y 19, 1927 Are the teachings o f Jesus up to date? . . Matt. 7 :24-29 Just to sinner and saint alike, Exemplifying love divine. Seeking the lost to recover, Unselfish was His life sublime, Such love can no language define. . Conceived as the world’gi Redeemer, He sought all, by sin fallen low. Revered, most o f names will His be, In the ages that come and go, So spiritual, pure and humble, The world can no greater one know. ' —o— .- T h

Jesus is pre-eminently the Preacher, As students' and preachers o f the ,Word let us learn of Him (Acts 4:13). Christ’s teachings were full o f sympa­ thy. Who is there today whose heart cannot be touched with the Sympathetic word from a sincere heart? Christ's tekeh- irigs were kindled with fancy, speaking in parables. He appealed to the people’s fancy and thus held their attention. His messages were full of persuasive power— :all of which, if put into practice by His co-workers, will be found to be up-to-datel A certain business concern in the United States resolved to operate their -business URGENT CALL FOR RUSSIAN BIBLES By PASTOR WILLIAM FETLER ¡ See the above adver- *| tisement on page 51 I of the January issue A of King’ s Business. Jl “1928-INTHE LIGHT OFPROPHECY” W ritten by a Form er Rom an Catholic Priest Reverse side Makes millions think! Every Am erican hom e shouid ---------- 5000 = WANTED to sell Bibles, Testaments, good books and handsome velvet Scripture mottoes. Good commission. Send for Free Catalog and Price List GEORGE W . NOBLE, PUBLISHER Dept. No. 7C, Monon Bldg. Chicago, 111. “THE SANITARY”E B B CUPS Convenient, Noiseless and Sanitary laws now demand them), make the finest quality beautiful polished trays supply thousands of satisfied congregations.- Send for list of these churches and FREE CATALOG with quotations. SENT FOR TRIAL SANITARY COMM UNION O U TFIT CO., 500-57th St., Rochester, N. Y. " T h e Best B o ok B i g o r L i t t l e on this subject” is what Robert E. Speer says 1 of James H. .M£Gohkey’s “The Three Fold Secret of the Holy Spirit.“ Sent absolutely free to any one inter­ ested enough to. write for it. Address Silver Publishing Society, Dept. M, 1013 Bessemer Building, Pittsburgh, Pa. The individual com­ munion service per­ mits an impressive ceremony. We -in­ troduced individual c u p s (many state have a copy. Astounding revelations—N o other book like it. Be inform ed o n . Present Day issues. Order your copy early as demand is great. See Dr. M aclnnis’ remarks on P age 124 50c A copy 60c p“ ‘|‘ Address: American Truth Pub. Co. Los Angeles. California P. 0. Box 2580 o f the Great Seal o f the U. S. A . W hat does it mean?

F ebr u ar y 12, 1928 Ideals fo r Choosing a Life Partner: Prov. 31:10-31 “If you would have the nuptial union last, Let virtue be the bond that ties it fast.” T h o u g h t s o n T h e T opic /"' i OD saw in the beginning when He '■-* created men, the need of companion­ ship for Adam and thus we read in Gen. 2:18, “And God said, It is not good that the man should be alone. I will make him a helpmeet fo r him.” First and foremost in choosing a life partner the spiritual interests should be the same to assure a happy home, blessed o f the Lord. Happy, is the home that can truly say “Christ is the Head of this house; the unseen Guest at every meal, the Silent Listener to every conversa­ tion.” Therefore, such a choice should be made within the family of God, for no true happiness can be had when we dis­ regard God’s explicit command (2 Cor. 6:14-18). It is written in Proverbs 18:22 that “whosoever findeth a wife findeth a good thing, and obtaineth favor o f the Lord." “ Findeth” implies, the rarity o f the thing obtained (Eccles. 7:27, 28), and the need o f careful search. By the finding o f such a one the man obtaineth favor o f the Lord. How essential, then, it is in selecting the one who is to be a helpmeet, that that one be o f God’s choosing as well as the man’s choice. Also in Prov. 19:14, “A prudent wife is from the Lord.” ■ We may not expect the Lord to super- naturally point Out the individual. Our own discretion must be- put into exercise, along with prayer for divine guidance, so as to bring about a happy result. Then realizing that every good gift is from the Lord, and that a good wife is God’s gift to pian. He should be praised for bestow­ ing upon fis the one who is to journey with us through life. The characteristics o f a good life part­ ner are described in our lesson as One who is virtuòus (v. 1 0 ), reliable (v. 1 1 ), in­ dustrious (v. 13) and one with foresight and forethought (v. 18). — o — C h oice N uggets “ It is a mistake to consider marriage merely a scheme of happiness ; it is also a bond of service.”—Chapin. > “ The happiness Of’ married life depends upon the power o f making small sacrifices with readiness and cheerfulness."— Selden. : “God has set the type of marriage everywhere throughout the creation. Each creature seeks its perfection in another. Thè very heavens and earth picture it to us.”—Luther.

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