King's Business - 1928-02


February 1928

T h e

K i n g ’ s

B u s i n e s s

The number of Verbs and Participles in the whole chapter is a multiple of- /. The number of Nouns (substantive and adjective) in the whole chapter is a multiple o f 7. The number of Pronouns in the whole chapter is a multiple o f 7. The number of Conjunctions in the whole chapter is a multiple o f 7. The number of Articles and Adverbs in the whole chapter is a multiple of 7. The number of Prepositions and Ad­ verbs in the whole chapter is a multiple o f 7. In ancient Greek grammar the Noun included both Substantive and Adjective. There are therefore 7 Parts of Speech in the chapter, Participles being counted as Verbs. Again, the number o f Consonants in the chapter is a multiple of 7. Again, the number of Vowels, long and short,, is a multiple o f 7. Again, the number of Vowels, doubt­ ful, in the chapter is a multiple of 7. Many words, phrases and grammatical inflections occur also 7 or a multiple of 7 times. Mr. Ivan Panin has shown that the en­ tire Bible exhibits similar numerical phe­ nomena. Dying On Four Words Before that eminent servant o f Christ, C. H. Spurgeon, died, he said to those around him : “ I can die on these four words.” “What words?” inquired one of his friends. The reply that “The Prince of Preachers” gave was this—“Jesus— died— for;—me” (Rom. 4:4, 5).

this w orld; they are in it, but not of it, like a ship in the water; and their great­ est, danger is not the opposition o f the world, but their own conformity to the world. This world is getting darker and darker; its ruin is coming nearer and nearer;. if you have any friends on this- wreck unsaved, you had. better lose no time in getting them off.” “ Palestine was the.,. West, Point and Annapolis for the world. In that lit­ tle country God was training up a peo­ ple out o f whom, when the fulness of the time should come,„ His Gospel cadets, should .emerge, fitted by all the training of all their national history for going out among the heathen and proclaiming the unsearchable riches of Christ.”—W m .M . Taylor. “ A man may make his way.'lacross the Atlantic in a skiffs'for all I know; but if you are intending to cross the sea, take my advice, and secure passage in a 'firstr class: steamer, and you will be more likely to get there. So it is with these heathen millions. I do not know but,some of them may drift, and we shall find them in the ¡.city o f God. But I do know that by giv­ ing them the Gospel, by building up and supporting, among them a Christian church; we shall greatly multiply their chances for heaven.”—C. H. Fowler. —o— A M issionary G ospel “ The first message at the birth of Christ was a missionary message (Lk, 2:10). “ The first prayer Christ taught men was a missionary prayer (Matt. 6:10). “ The first disciple,.St. Andrew, -yvas the first missionary (John 1 :41). “The first message o f the risen Lord was a missionary message (John 20:17). “ The first command of the risen Lord to His, disciples was a missionary com­ mand (John 20:21). “ The first apostolic sermon was a mis­ sionary sertnoh (Acts, 2:17-39). _ • “ Christ’s great reason for Christian love was a missionary reason (John 13: 35). “ Christ’s great reason for unity was a missionary reason (John 17:21). “ The first coming o f Christ was a’ mis­ sionary work (Luke 4 :18-21). “ The second coming o f Christ is ,to be hastened by riiissionary work (Matt. 24: 14). “ Our Saviour’s last wish on earth was a missionary wish (Matt. 28:19).” HI e -—Selected. Sevens in John 17 R. McCormack, author of “The Hep- fadic Structure of Scripture,” says in a recent study of John 17: It has hitherto escaped observation that the seventeenth chapter o f St. John’s Gos­ pel in the original Greek text exhibits the following remarkable characteristics: On dividing it into the shortest com­ plete sentences which the laws of gram­ mar will allow, it is found to , contain 7 paragraphs, or sections, each section con­ taining 7 sentences. The number of words in'each section is a multiple’ o f 7. The number of letters in each section is a multiple o f 7. The totals in the whole chapter being 490 words (70x7) and 2079 letters (77x27 or 3).

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