King's Business - 1928-02

February . 1928

T H e

K i N g ’ s

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its 8th Large Edition SONGS OF EVANGELISM

Present Tense Salvation B y E vangelist J ohn W. H am

The Colportage Association of Chicago have just brought forth a book introduc­ ing fourteen o f Evangelist Ham’s popular sermons, published for the first time. These are messages chosen by Mr. Ham as the ones whioh have proven most ef­ fective in his pastoral and evangelistic work the country over; Those who wish to be refreshed byvsome clear-cut salva­ tion messages and illustrations will do well to purchase this volume at $1.35. . Familiar Failures B y R ev . C lovis G. C happell This is another of Dr. Chappell’s vol­ umes dealing with Bible characters, which have been so widely read. This author seems to have ■ rare ability for character analysis. In this book he depicts the drifter, the trifler, the faultfinder, the man with an alibi, and the other types discovered in the Bible who warn us by their mistakes. Thewsimple,- engaging, illustrative material will be of special use to ministers and Bible teachers. Dr. Chappell will be recalled as the former pastor of the Mt. Vernon Place Methodist Church, South, of Washington, D. C., which had such a phenomenal growth. He is now pastor o f the First: Church of •Memphis, Tenn. Doran offers this book at $1.60. . The John C. Winston Company have produced another handy volume in their religious series ($1.00), and this is Dr. Henson’s appeal for personal evangelism, the method used and taught by our Lord. Dr. Henson is pastor of the First Baptist Church of Covington, Kentucky. Such readable books are needed to , fire up be­ lievers in these days. Dr. A. T. Robert­ son in the foreword well says: “We need great preaching, but we need also the word fitly spoken in private.” . There can be no doubt but that more souls have been led to Christ through personal work than through preaching. Dr. Henson presents some helpful -suggestions and methods for success in the field of soul-winning. ' The , book should be read not only by laymen, but by ministers, for there are many preachers who are not soul-winners, and they should be the leaders in personal work. The many admirers of Dr. Gifford, the well-known Baptist expository preacher, will be delighted to know that he has given us a new, volume of his sermons. The fire and vigor and the trilje style that, has always characterized this preacher are reflected in this series of characteristic messages. Dr. Gifford has been residing for some years in Pasadena and has been giving the latter years of his life to re­ freshing the churches with his helpful messages. : These sermons, abounding in The Lost Secret Recovered B y D r . L. L. H enson The Shadow of the Rock B y D r . O. P. G ifford

Never before has a book been edited strictly from tbe suggestions of the many evangelists that are out in the field in all parts of the country. This is ONE reason for its unusual popularity. In its 160 pages are: included all of the best of the old songs together with the choice of the new. Please note the number o f Songs under the w ide variety o f topics: DEVOTIONAL ... CROSS .........................15 CONSECRATION .... ........ 1 0 INVITATION ..... .......18 CHOIR ............... ......... 8 MISSIONARY .......... ........ 6 SERVICE .............. ...... 1 0 CHORUSES ....... ......... 5 CHILDREN ............... ........16 and 52 others that are not classified. ISSUED IN BOTH ROUND AND SHAPED NOTES

PRICES: It is printed on the very best eggshell paper and is:offered in two bindings, a tough jute manila cover at 25c the single copy, postpaid, $20.00 the hundred, not prepaid, and a beautiful red vellum deluxe cloth at 35c the single copy, postpaid, $30.00 the hundred, not prepaid. If You Haven’t Seen This Book Send for a Sample Copy ORDER DIRECT FROM US AND SAVE TIME

“TH E BIG FOUR” an exceptional quartet book arranged for male voices, but e a s i l y adapted for ladies’ voices. Editors: I. E. Reynolds. Geo. S. Schuler, E. O. Sel­ lers, J. B. Trowbridge. Single copy 60c; four copies $2.00 postpaid.


360 North Waller Avenue

Chicago, Illinois

vivid illustrations and so closely attuned to the heart o f Scripture, should supply a wealth o f good material for those who want . something ■:really fresh. Revell offers the!book at $1.25.

thought along these lines and is one of the most important books published since the late Dr. Denny’s book on the ministry of reconciliation. He shows the centrality o f the forgive­ ness o f sins in Christianity and indicates that Christianity triumphed . through. its message of pardon. The subject is then considered from the Biblical and histor­ ical points o f view. The attitude of the Church through the centuries is reviewed in a masterly way. The author makes a fine contribution on the subjects of The Pardoning God and The Atonement, but perhaps the best work that is done is in his chapters on the experience o f being forgiven and the moral inspiration o f for­ giveness. These chapters are full of most illuminating insights that indicate some­ thing of the tremendous meanings of fo r ­ giveness as an experience of life. If we had our w ay we would get every minister in America to take three days off and quietly read this book. We believe it would'revolutionize the preaching of the evangelical church. Published by Nisbit & Company, Ltd., London.—J. M. M. — o— Myself and Other Problems B y J. P aterson S m yth The;distinguished author o f “The Gos­ pel of the Hereafter,” of “A 1 People’s Life of Christ,” etc., has given us in this volume a series o f thought-provoking studies o f heart-exercising problems. He discusses such personal problems as that of Myself, Conscience, Evil and Pain; such Bible problems as that of the Crea-

Pioneers In Righteousness B y D r . J. C. M assee

The popular pastor o f Tremont Temple Baptist Church, Boston,, has favored us with a collection of sermons on Old Testament characters, the Winston Com­ pany being the publishers ($1.50). The Old Testament pages are filled with the experiences of men which in their relation became the source of warning, instruc­ tion, and reproof, profitable for those who read with spiritual discernment. Dr. Massee makes these characters live in such a way that any man today might ex­ change places with the characters. He shows how the experiences o f Enoch, Cain, Abel, Esau, Jacob, Noah, Abraham, Joseph, Saul, David, Solomon, and Isaiah, parallel the experiences o f men today. H nyH ; The Christian Experience of Forgiveness B y P ros . H . R. M ackintosh Dr.,: Mackintosh is one of the most thoughtful and searching writers! o f the evangelical school in Great Britain today. W e do not know o f any one who is bet-: ter equipped to handle the great question of the experience o f forgiveness. This book is the result o f long years of

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