King's Business - 1928-02

February 1928


T h e

K i n g ’ s

B u s i n e s s

Rainy-Day Book of Games B y W allace D. V incent

tion story, the Fall, and the Virgin Birth ; and beyond the years on earth the prob­ lems o f Dying, of the Love o f God, and the doctrine of Hell and of Heaven. He writes, as he says, for the ordinary thoughtful layman. He expresses him­ self lucidly, interestingly. The reader senses throughout his sincerity. Not that we agree with him in marly cases. He in­ terprets inspiration, the Creation Story, the Fall of Man, and the doctrine o f Hell from the standpoint- o f a conservative Modernist. And yet the more liberal will not walk with him in his strong advocacy o f the Virgin Birth and the Deity of our Lord. The thoughtful reader will thank D r.. Smyth for this honest attempt to think through and to arrive at some inde­ pendent conclusions in regard to the prob­ lems at hand.—A. E. K. I—o— What Think Ye of Christ? B y J. H. O. S mith There are many volumes of sermons. This is more than just ,another one. Its author has been and is one o f the out­ standing preachers of his own commun­ ion, The Church o f Christ. His pastorates have been notable in their fruitfulness in college and university centers. His evan­ gelistic work has carried him across the country and given him a wide hearing. His messagé throbs with a passion for souls and ' holds true throughout to the fundamentals of the evangelical faith. The sermons of this volume give Christ the preeminence. They are eloquent, full of'Scripture, abounding in telling illustra­ tions, and readable. Those not o f this preacher’s own denomination will be dis­ posed to feel that he gives undue empha­ sis to certain distinctive principles of his own body. Standard Pub. Co. Price $1.75. —A. E. K. —T—O—— Dan Crawford of^Luanza Mary Slessor and Jeanie Gilchrist ' Two B ooks by J ames J. E llis Here are two new missionary books from the London publisher, John Ritchie. They are additions to the series put out by Mr. Ritchie, known as the “Noble Life Series.” Each volume contains about 200 pages, with numerous illustrations. They have a special appeal to young people. In the United States the cost is $1.25 each. —B. —o— Thamilla, The Turtle Dove B y F erdinand D uchene The Revell Company has brought out this stirring story o f the mountains of Algeria. It ia one o f the most fascinat­ ing and astounding human interest stories of girlhood in Algeria, that one can im­ agine. The book in its French edition has been widely commented on in Europe. Its translation has been accomplished by two Americans. W e know of no book that gives’ such a vivid picture o f the customs' of Northern Africa and of the personal life of the women of all lands that are under the shadow of the Koran. Read this book and learn o f the blighting effect of Moslem law especially on womanhood, and you will hear the inarticulate cry of these peoples of the East, without hope in the world, for the Gospel of Jesus Christ. ($1.75).—B.

Every-Member Evangelism By J. E. CONANT, D.D. This isa book of methods thatgoesto the very heartof a;l involved in our Christian profession. It ismade up of Divine Dynamics. Simplein itslanguage and thought, it isveryreadable andeasilyun­ derstoodby all Christians. It hasalreadymarked an epcch in the lives of many. Let it meanthat toyou. Have Met to P rom ote Personal Evangelism Inone of our large cities alone this great num­ ber of ministers of many creeds recognized that this holds thegreatest possible advancementof our ChristianFaith. It isa movement of theage. Dr. Conant’sbook will instruct and enthuseyou. Every Church W o rk e r Needs It If every Pastor and three members in every churchmastered this book, such a revival would probablyresult as North America has never seen. On ly $ 1 . 5 0 . Send N O W ! Everygoodbook store has this powerful book. Sendortakethis coupon to themor tothe publisher. HARPER & BROTHERS, 49 E. 33rdSt., NewYork City. I want---- copies of Every-Member Evangelism. If thesearesentbymail I will pay the postman $1.50 percopy, plusa littlepostage. Name .................................................................. Street ................................................................ Town or State ..................................................... T O M O 11 R O W By WILLIAM A. COREY, B.Sc. Member Southern California Premillennial Prophetic Association An unusual book dealing with the Millennial Kingdom. Biblical, timely, inspiring. Send for your copy today. 92 pages, paper covers— 35 cents, 5 for $1.00 postpaid. Address WILLIAM A. COREY 484 South Gage Street, Los Angeles, Calif. Individual Cups Widely Known Bible Teacher and Evangelist

There is always a demand for new pastimes for boys and girls. Here is a book of new and wholesome games, pub­ lished by the Revell Company ($1.50). It will furnish many good amusement ideas for social occasions.—B. ; o-ir-: 1928 in the Light of Prophecy B y Q. E. D. This is a curiously interesting book and should be carefully read by the popular governor o f New York State. Its proph­ ecies are interesting in the sense that all the speculations and interpretations that deal with dates are interesting'. There are certain things stated as facts which are more than merely interesting. They are challenging. If what he says concerning the percentage of crime related to a cer­ tain religious institution in America is true it certainly should arouse America to a .sincere consideration o f the nature o f the influence o f that particular organiza­ tion. On the other hand, if what he says is not true, he certainly ought to be in jail for defamation o f character.—J. M. M. Se,^ advertisement page 119. —o— A Bigger and Better Sunday School B y A lbert H. G age An interesting and helpful book o f practical suggestions for the Sunday- school worker by the author of “How to Conduct a Church Vacation School” and “The Evangelism o f Youth.” Mr. Gage’s book is a valuable addition to recent lit­ erature in the field of Christian Education, dealing especially with the Sunday-school end o f the work and with methods that have been worked out and can be used in the average school. It is not extreme in any sense, but is .based upon sound prin­ ciples, pedagogy and theology and prac­ tical common sense. Its suggestions, if carried out, would certainly do what the title suggests—produce “a bigger and bet­ ter Sunday school.” It is a valuable hand­ book for pastors, directors o f Religious Education, superintendents, or any Chris­ tian workers who are interested in the church of tomorrow. Fleming H. Revell Co. Price 1.25.—F. M. C. , —o— John Ritchie, the Scotch publisher, has just offered his customers an attractive volume o f sermons by well-known preachers of the past and present, each message bearing upon the blessings which the death o f Christ has brought. Twenty writers are represented, including such men as Arthur Booth Clibborn, Dan Crawford, A. C. Dixon, C. H. Mackintosh, D. L. Moody and leading English preach­ ers. The book, priced in America at $1.00, should be o f particular value to Christian workers seeking new thoughts concerning the great sacrifice of our Sav­ iour,:—B. —o— Better Things B y D r . G regory M antle The Christian Alliance Publishing Com­ pany has just placed on sale Dr,. Man­ tle’s .Bible studies on the Epistle to the The Great Sacrifice E dited by W m . H oste

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