King's Business - 1928-02

February 1928


T h e

K i n g ’ s

B u s i n e s s

F ebr uar y 10, 1928 Text: Matt. 6:14-15

“Best” Books

Once in the olden time, and in a far-off country, there lived a saintly man who, because of his constant charities and his kind­ ness to all who were in any kind o f need, was called John the Almsgiver. He was bishop of Alexandria, and was continually sought after for his wise counsel and his sympathy. On one occasion a certain nobleman desired to speak to him, and when admitted into his presence poured out an angry tale of one who had grievously offended him. ^IThat man,” he cried passionately, “has so deeply injured me I can never forgive him —no, never!” The bishop heard him through in silence, and after a pause said it was his hour of prayer. Would he go with him into the chapel? .The nobleman complied, following him, and they knelt down together. Then the bishop began to repeat aloud the Lord’s Prayer, his companion saying it after him. When he got to. the petition,- “ Forgive us our trespasses as we also forgive those who trespass against us,” he paused, and the nobleman, not heeding, went on alone. Finding his voice was alone, he, too, stopped, and there was a solemn silence, Then the message sent by God’s grace flashed like lightning through his mind. He was calm; his anger was gone; and, ris­ ing from his knees, he hurried to the man who had offended him, and there, on the spot, forgave him freely. Dean Farrar wrote of his mother, for whom he cherished the deepest reverence: “My mother’s habit was, every day, im­ mediately after breakfast, to withdraw for an hour to her own room, and to spend that hour in reading the Bible, in meditation and in prayer. From that hour, as from a pure fountain, she drew the strength and sweetness which enabled her to fulfil all her duties, and to remain unruffled by all the worries and petti­ ness which are so often the intolerable trial o f narrow neighbor­ hoods. As I think of her life, and of all it had to bear, I see the absolute triumph of Christian grace in the lovely ideal o f a Christian.” , f Jerusalem, was greatly dis­ couraged, when hb had been on a missionary journey in Abys­ sinia. Everything seemed against him, and the difficulties were so hard that he felt that God had forsaken him. He found a cave and went into it, spending a long time in prayer telling the Lord how forsaken he was. Bishop Gobat prayed and prayed, and poured out his soul to God. It was very dark in the cave, but after he had remained in the dark a little while, his eyes began to get a little accustomed to it, and he there saw a fero­ cious wild animal, a hyena, and her cubs, quite near. God had pro­ tected him, and they had never offered to touch him, and had never offered to move. God’s hand, at the very hour when he thought He was against him, was keeping him from being torn to pieces; for there is no animal more ferocious than a hyena with cubs. He passed out unharmed. If God would only open our eyes in the darkness when we seem forsaken by Him, we would see how perfectly He has kept us from many unseen dangers and calamities, and in the very hour of our greatest despair we will probably have most reason to thank Him. F ebr u ar y 12, 1928 Text: Heb. 13:5 At one time Bishop Gobat, 6 F ebr uar y 11, 1928 T ext: ProV. 31:10-12

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