King's Business - 1928-02

February 1928

K i n g ’ s

B u s i n e s s


T h e

scarlet coats. The lady was expecting the English mail, and she opened the door and took the letters in. - The hall doors had colored glass in them, and when she went in again she glanced through what happened to be a red piece of glass, and was sur­ prised to see that the postman seemed to be wearing a white coat. Then that wonderful verse o f God’s Word came to her, “Though your sins be as' scarlet, they shall be as white as snow. Though they be red like crimson, they" shall be as wool.” As God looks at us, though our sins are as scarlet, yet, through the precious blood of Christ, He sees them white. It is told of Gladstone, the great English leader, when he was at the height of his popularity, that an old man who used to sweep the street crossings for gratuitous pennies near the Houses of Parliament was one day absent. Mr. Gladstone, observing his absence, asked about him and discovered that he was ill. Learning where the old man lived, this great man with a great heart left his busy place in the House of Parliament, where practically the. whole British Empire rested upon his efforts. He found his way down a dirty, lonely alley, until he came to the place where the humble sweeper lived. Entering the door, he sat on a common stool by the bedside, and taking from his pocket a Testament, he read about the story o f Jesus and his love, and then knelt down and offered prayer. A few days later a missionary called to see the old man. “You must be very lonely in this place with none to comfort you;” said the missionary. “ Oh, no,” was the unex­ pected reply, “ I have had a royal' visitor.” Then he told o f the coming o f Mr. Gladstone and o f how this grand, good man had left behind him Jesus the Saviour, whom the crossing sweeper had learned to love and was relying upon and trusting in as his own Saviour. M arch 5, 1928 T ext: Psalm 119:11 Robert Moffat, the missionary, told a. story how in Bechuana- land he met a man looking very downcast. ., “What is the matter? Who is dead?” asked Moffat. “ There is nobody dead,” answered the man, “but my son tells me that my dog has eaten a leaf out of the Bible.” “Well,” said Moffat, “I’ll replace it.” “ Oh,” exclaimed the man,, “it’s not the Bible, it’s the dog I’m thinking o f ; the dog will pever any more bite anybody nor catch jackals; he will become as tame as the people who believe in that Book. All our warriors become as gentle as women under the influence o f that Book, and my dog is done fo r !” m M arch 6, 1928 T ext: John 13:17 “ Pastor,” a member once said to his minister, “that was a good sermon you preached on Heaven yesterday; but you did not tell us where Heaven is.” “Ah,” said the minister, “I am glad of the chance to tell you now. Yonder, on that hill-top, a member of our church lies in bed ill with fever, and her two children lie ill in the other bed: there is not a bit of coal, or a stick of wood, nor flour, nor sugar, nor bread in the house. I f you will buy five shillings’ worth o f these things, and say to her^-‘Sister, I have brought these in our Saviour’s name,’ and then, with your Bible in your hand, will kneel down and pray,—if you do not find Heaven before you are through, I will pay the bill.” Next day the brother said, “ Pastor, I have seen Heaven, and, I have been fifteen minutes in it."’ M arch 4, 1928 Text: Matt. 25:40

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