King's Business - 1928-02

February 1928

T h e

K i n g ' s

B u s i n e s s


manna on which Israel subsisted for forty years ! It is almost as grotesque an imposition as that o f the bits of the true cross scattered over Europe at the present day, or the garments1worn by our Lord, or of the napkin which wiped the sweat from His brow, and which carried away with it the picture of the Redeemer’s face.” The expedition is alleged to have discovered that this fake manna is not the product of the Tamarisk tree, but comes from the belly o f a bug. And that’s all ! ate gfe Suffering Speeds Our Flight Above O NE of our appreciative readers, a young Christian mother who has for many months been a great suf­ ferer, writes us o f the attempt o f a Christian Science practitioner to get her to take up Mrs. Eddy’s teachings. She being a devoted Bible student, this man’s line of talk was extremely depressing to her, and although she was very weak, she informed the gentleman that if she could not get well in direct answer to prayer, she would not attempt to seek health through a teaching that. would involve the denial o f the Savior who bought her by His precious blood. 1 “ That night,” says this sufferer, “ I had a dream and saw gold and red rays from the center o f the heavens, and just below there was an open Bible, and across the pages in golden letters, it said ‘ God’s Word.’ I think God wanted to show me that His message for me was in thè, Bible, not in something else.” Who could doubt that this dream came to confirm this mother’s faith and warn her against an error that takes advantage of the physical sufferings of people, to slyly creep in? Suppose that the prayers of this mother for recovery, and those of her little boy, fvho, she says, kneels by her bedside every night with the same ' petition, should not be answered in the way they desire! Has she any reason to fear, òr to doubt God? She says riot, and she is right, for she is a child o f the King o f kings. I f her life is spared for a time, she knows that her spirit is being prepared to sympathize with others who suffer. Frosts kill off the vermin which the summer o f pros­ perity produces, and by our sufferings as children o f Godi we discover how. much we are weaned in our affections from the world, and what sweetness there is in His grace. What comfort there is for a saved person in some o f the Scriptural expressions concerning affliction. They are “ but fo r a season” (Acts 13:11; 1 Pet. 1 :6 ). It is but “ a day o f adversity” (Prov. 24:10) ; “ a night o f weep­ ing” (Psa. 30:5) ; “ an hour o f testing” (Rev. 3 :10) ; and “ our light affliction is but fo r a moment” (2 Cor. 4 :17 ). “ Each care, each ill o f mortal birth, Is sent in pitying love, To lift the lingering heart from earth, And speed its flight above. And every pang that wrings the breast,. “ The good are better made by ill. As odors crushed, are sweeter still.”

The Fatal Itch T HERE is a word used in the New Testament and translated “ itching” which was, the expression applied to swine suffering from scurvy. '¡These pigs would seek relief for their itching ears by rubbing their heads against heaps o f stones. Paul used this word in speaking o f those in latter days who would turn away‘from sound doctrine, seeking teachers who would scratch their ears and please the senses (2 Tim. 4 :3 ). The natural man wants to hear those who will reflect his own opinions and prejudices and be easy on his sins. He ridicules the pure GospeT which finds him fight where he lives (Jn. 3 :19 ). Jeremiah says, “ The prophets proph­ esy falsely and the people love to have it so” (Jer. 5 :31). When we see a man digging himself* we know he is af­ flicted. But there is an itch more fatal. It is the ears that want to be soothed with some easy philosophy—ears that turn from the truth to fables (2 Tim. 4 :4 ). In all eternity they will find no relief. ate ate Eager to Believe the Worst W E heard recently of a very conscientious farmer who long hesitated about having a man arrested who had been shooting his pjgeons. He did not wish to proceed against the man until he had evidence in which there was no possibility of finding a flaw. Finally the offender was .brought to court and the attorney dor the defense turned to the 'farmer with the - — e> (T Thy is Word j • ¡j Truth

B y R ev . W illiam H. P ike Thy Word is Truth. Again we sing This wondrous fact. Loud may it ring. And may each page be clear and bright, Illumined by the Spirit’s light. Thy Word is Truth. Oh, grant us grace On every page Thy love to trace, Help us anew the theme begin O f how that love redeems from sin. Thy Word is truth. Its quickening light Dispels the gloom of sin’s- dark night, It cheers the faint upon the road, And safely guides to Thine abode. Thy Word is truth.. It standeth fast While sun; and moon and stars shall last. When heaven and earth have passed away, Thy Word shall still maintain its sway. Thy W ordJs Truth. W e’ll hold it so^ Through all our days, in weal or woe. ' Thy Word is Truth. It sets us free. W e ’ll chant it through eternity.

* And every joy that dies, Tells us to seek a purer rest, And trust to holier ties.”

(Note: Since the above was written, the writer o f the letter referred to, Mrs: Clara Nelson, o f Jamestown, N. J., has gone to be with the Lord.)

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