May 2021 Results

holl i s morgan

Do you know about Holl i s Morgan ’ s off market land sales serv i ce ? Once Plann i ng i s Granted are you unsure whether to bu i ld out or to sell ? Our off market land sales serv i ce allows you to test the market before dec i d i ng on your ex i t strategy . Holl i s Morgan have sold 100s of s i tes, rang i ng from s i ngle plots to 20+ un i t developments, and have the exper i ence and unr i valled contacts l i st of act i ve land buyers and developers from across the reg i on .

why off market ?  test the market w i th pr i vacy and no comm i tment  low profile advertising no boards or i nternet  quick response we usually have offers w i th i n 14 days  contacts list access to a w i de range of profess i onal developers and land buyers



holl i s morgan


Our off-market sales serv i ce allows you to test the market qu i etly and qu i ckly

Your property i s only new to the market once ... get i t r i ght f i rst t i me w i th Holl i s Morgan


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