2021-22 Crown Corporation Collaboration Annual Report

2021-22 Realized Benefits

Total Five-Year Forecast (2022-23 to 2026-27)

2021-22 Forecast

2022-23 Forecast

2023-24 Forecast

2024-25 Forecast

2025-26 Forecast

2026-27 Forecast


Mapping (Non-Ground Disturbance)

$372,550 $500,492 $390,000 $400,000 $419,000 $438,000 $457,000


Microsoft Product Licensing

$1,012,561 $1,161,160 $1,008,027

$877,327 $652,327 $652,327 $652,327


New Bill and Letter Print Services Provider

$711,470 $732,000







New Connect Joint Services

$504,000 $254,000 $642,000 $764,000 $847,000 $937,000 $1,033,000


Oracle Licensing

$302,736 $302,736 $302,736 $302,736 $302,736 $302,736 $302,736


Photocopier Management Program






$9,600 $10,000


Recognition Program









Software Reseller and Licensing Service (Master Agreement with Compugen)



$70,000 $70,000 $70,000 $70,000 $70,000


Wireless Age (Standing Offer)


$2,100 $40,000 $40,000 $40,000 $40,000 $40,000


Cell Phone Procurement - NEW $4,800








Laptop Procurement - NEW









Property Management

$1,957,148 $1,954,014 $1,959,138 $1,894,022 $1,121,559 $128,527



Remote Diagnostics - Updating of TransGas SCADA









SaskPower Attaching Equipment to Towers

$165,000 $165,000 $165,000






SaskPower Colocation for AMI Meter Reading Program

$1,260,652 $1,260,652 $1,260,652 $1,260,652 $1,269,056 $1,285,865 $1,285,865


SaskWater/WSA Upset Line


$18,000 $24,000 $24,000 $24,000 $24,000 $24,000


SCADA Leverage

$147,500 $147,500








$1,798,000 $2,000,000 $2,000,000 $2,000,000 $2,000,000 $2,000,000 $2,000,000


SecurTek Providing Building Monitoring Services



$23,900 $23,900 $23,900 $23,900 $23,900


Small Cells on Street Lights




$25,680 $25,680 $25,680 $25,680


Solar Panels

$38,000 $28,000 $44,000 $50,000 $50,000 $50,000 $50,000


Sharing Survey Information - NEW









Corporate Project Management Office - Shared Collaboration - NEW


- $4,750,000 $7,000,000 $7,000,000 $7,500,000 $7,500,000


Centralized Utility Connect Project Management For New Industrial Customers - NEW


- $600,000 $600,000 $600,000 $650,000 $650,000


2021 Rebate Cheque Printing Savings - NEW









Environmental Permitting - NEW $260,858

- $250,000 $250,000 $250,000 $250,000 $250,000


Total Forecast (Existing Initiatives)

$48,927,568 $48,492,039 $55,858,110 $46,722,010 $43,066,215 $40,915,850 $42,270,649


Aspirational Target (New Initiatives)





$16,421,785 $20,951,670





-- $50,000,000 $55,000,000 $57,200,000 $59,488,000 $61,867,520 $64,342,221

* SaskTel moved its savings for Enhanced Public Safety to Line Locating. SaskEnergy will still report on this line. ** Paperless Billing initiative was reviewed by SaskPower and discontinued in 2021-22 as there are no collaborative savings to report. ***The target for 2021-22 was set at $50 million. The CIC Board approved a $55 million target for 2022-23. While the CIC Board has not approved targets beyond 2022-23, the targets above include a four per cent increase each year.


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