WORKING WITH FAIRWARE Every effort to find a new supplier starts with some basic research and a conversation (see Tip #1). An introductory call or email is a great way to gauge whether the supplier has experience with social compliance programs, product safety testing or environ - mental programs. An initial conversation is a great way to diffuse any anxiety they may feel about the process. At Fairware, our approach falls into 3 tactics.
ONE - We call potential suppliers and tell them about our values and what products we’re sourcing. We always ask who the best person is to contact to talk to about their supply chain, and we let them know we’ll be sending an email with a supplier survey or we'll set up an initial call to let them know about our supplier assessment process. These first calls let the supplier know we care about how our products are made and identify if they have processes to ensure their products are made by facilities that meet international standards. TWO - We ask suppliers to review our Code and answer a 4-5 page ques - tionnaire on their own supply chain practices. As Licensee of the Fair Labor Association (FLA), our code has always been modeled by that of the FLA. The introductory letter tells the supplier about us and our clients and clarifies what we’re asking for. We only accept surveys signed by a senior leader in the company.
• Country of origin for their products • Facility certifications (e.g. ISO Certifications, SA8000, Fair Trade) • Facility audits for social and environ mental performance - By whom, dates, and standards • Involvement with any social, comm- unity or environmental programs THREE - We audit our factories on a case by case basis at the request of clients who are placing large orders or long term programs. At Fairware, we audit facilities on a cost-shared basis to the client Code of Conduct specifi - cations. Any of these efforts (calls, surveys or audits) will give you a sense of where your supplier stands on these issues. And it will send a signal to them that you care and are looking to support businesses that also care. And don’t forget, it’s important to reward your suppliers when they make improvements. Nothing says thank you like a purchase order.
The questionnaire includes:
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