FAZIOLI Catalogo 2023 - FINAL





Copyright© 2023 FAZIOLI Pianoforti, PianoCraft LLC



Founded in 2001 by concert pianist Shaun Tirrell and composer/pianist Keith Kerman, PianoCraft is among the world's most admired Piano dealerships and a primary destination for pianists in the Washington, DC and Baltimore metropolitan areas, as well as nationwide and even worldwide. Offering an extensive collection of the finest pianos for sale, PianoCraft is the exclusive authorized dealer in the Washington DC and Baltimore metropolitan areas for Baldwin pianos and Celviano Hybrid Pianos by Casio. PianoCraft is also the authorized Mid Atlantic dealer for FAZIOLI, Steingraeber, Grotrian, and Estonia pianos. PianoCraft showrooms boast pre-owned Steinways from every era, premiere preowned American pianos from Mason & Hamlin and Baldwin, preowned Yamaha and Kawai pianos, and many others. PianoCraft houses a world class piano restoration and rebuilding facility known for using the best materials and finest craftsmanship. Everything from crafting of new soundboards, complete action work, and the highest quality refinishing work can be done in our state of the art facility. Unique in the piano rebuilding world, fully rebuilt pianos from PianoCraft compare favorably with the very best brand new handcrafted pianos. PianoCraft offers comprehensive professional piano tuning and piano service primarily to Washington DC, Northern Virginia and Montgomery County Maryland. PianoCraft pianos can be found in the homes of piano teachers, concert pianists, Juilliard and Peabody Conservatory piano faculty, at recording st1Udios, at Lincoln Center in New York, at museums like the Smithsonian and the Phillips Collection and at important institutions such as Carnegie Mellon University, Harvard's Dumbarton Oaks, Strathmore Hall, Shriver Hall, the University of Maryland, the Lincoln Center, and the Kennedy Center.


PIANOCRAFT 211 Perry Parkway, Suite 2 Gaithersburg, MD 20877

888-840-5460 • info@pianocraft.net • www.pianocraft.net

FAZIOLI • Steingraeber • Grotrian • Estonia • Brodmann • Baldwin Preowned & Restored Steinway • Preowned American, German & Japanese Pianos

Pianos shown by appointment only.


PIANOCRAFT . , . .. ., .

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888-840-5460 • www.pianocraft.net • fazioli@pianocraft.net

Art and Science. Passion for music and scientific knowledge, excellent craftsmanship, firm commitment to technological research and highly selected materials: these are the main elements required to produce a Fazioli piano. The aristocratic sound with a rich transparent tone is inspired by the ItaIian ideaI of the "forte" and "piano" of Bartolomeo Cristofori, inventor of the piano.

L'art et la science. Passion pour la musique et competence scientifique, grande habilete artisanale, recherche technologique continue et selection severe des materiaux sont les caracteristiques necessaires pour produire un piano Fazioli. La sonorite aristocrati�ue, solaire et transparente s'inspire a l'ideal du "forte" et du "piano' de Bartolomeo Cristofori, l'inventeur du piano.


Tutti i pianoforti Fazioli, dall'F3O8 (lungo 308 cm) fino all'F156, vengono costruiti e collaudati con la medesima attenzione, nel rispetto della filosofia di alta qualita dell'azienda. Each Fazioli piano, from the F3O8 (308 cm long) to the F156, is built and tested with the same scrupulous care and attention, reflecting the Company's commitment to the highest quality. Jeder einzelne Fazioli-FI0gel, vom F3O8 (Lange 308 cm) bis zum kleinsten F156, wird, entsprechend der hohen Qualitatsanspr0che des Unternehmens, mit der gleichen gr0ndlichen Sorgfalt gebaut und abgepr0ft. Les pianos Fazioli, a partir du F3O8 (308 cm de longueur), jusqu'au F156, sont tous construits et testes avec le m�me soin et la m�me attention, comme la philosophie de haute qualite de l'entreprise l'impose.




Il cuore del pianoforte. La tavola armonica dei pianoforti Fazioli è costruita con l’abete rosso delle foreste delle Alpi Orientali Italiane. Regolarità, uniformità, leggerezza ed elasticità sono le peculiari caratteristiche di questo legno. Da queste stesse foreste proveniva il legno che Antonio Stradivari sceglieva per i suoi violini. The heart of the piano. The Fazioli soundboard is made entirely of red spruce from the forests of the Eastern italian Alps. Evenness, lightness and elasticity are typical features of this wood. Antonio Stradivarius used the wood from this forest for his legendary violins. Das Herz des Flügels. Das Holz für die Resonanzböden von Fazioli-Flügeln stammt von der Rotfichte aus den Wäldern der italienische Ostalpen. Regel und Ebenmäßigkeit, Leichtigkeit und Elastizität sind die ganz besonderen Eigenschaften dieses Holzes. Schon Antonio Stradivari hatte für seine legendären Geigen dieses Holz ausgewählt. Le cœur du piano. Le cœur du piano. La table d’harmonie des pianos Fazioli est réalisée en sapin rouge des forêts des Alpes Orientales Italiennes. Régularité, uniformité, légèreté et élasticité sont les principales caractéristiques de ce bois. De ces forêts provenait le bois qu’Antonio Stradivari choisissait pour ses violons.

Fazioli 7

Un efficiente fabbrica-laboratorio. FAZIOLI rifiuta ogni logica produttiva di tipo industriale e persegue l’obiettivo di una qualità senza compromessi. I tecnici FAZIOLI costituiscono un team altamente specializzato che lavora con la passione e la competenza di chi è coscientemente impegnato nella costruzione di un oggetto unico e prezioso, destinato al mondo dell’arte. An efficient factory-workshop. FAZIOLI refuses any industrial approach to manufacturing and pursues the objective of uncompromised quality. The FAZIOLI technicians represent a highly specialized team working with the passion and professionality of someone who is aware of being constantly involved in the construction of a unique and precious object destined to the world of art. Hochleistungsfähige Fabrik und Werkstätte. FAZIOLI lehnt jegliches industrielle Produktionsverfahren ab und verfolgt das Ziel einer kompromisslosen Qualität. Die Fazioli-Techniker bilden ein hochspezialisiertes Team, das mit Leidenschaft und Kompetenz arbeitet, in dem Bewusstsein, dass sie zum Bau eines einzigartigen und wertvollen für die Kunstwelt bestimmten Instruments beitragen. Une usine-laboratoire efficace. FAZIOLI refuse toute logique productive industrielle et poursuit l’objectif d’une qualité sans compromis. Les techniciens FAZIOLI constituent une équipe hautement spécialisée qui travaille avec passion et compétence, consciente d’être constamment engagée dans la réalisation d’un objet unique et précieux destiné au monde de l’art.

Fazioli 9


I pianoforti Fazioli vengono distribuiti attraverso una rete di rivenditori qualificati e specializzati nella vendita di strumenti di alta qualita e particolarmente preparati per l'assistenza tecnica piu sofisticata. Lo staff tecnico dei rivenditori segue con cadenza regolare gli stage di aggiornamento tenuti nella fabbrica Fazioli di Sacile. L'attenzione per lo strumento continua anche durante ii viaggio con uno speciale ed originale sistema di imballo, munito di indicatori antishock ed anticapovolgimento. taz1011 pianos are aism,:,utea wonaw1ae mrougn a nt:LVVu1" ur rngrny qua feel dealers who are not only spec1a11zed in the sale of high-value instruments, but are also carefully trdined to offer complete technical dss1stam..e; mdeed, r dllO dealers' technical staff attend regular intensive training sessions �t the Faziol factory in Sac e. The exceptional l.clre for the instrument wntinues dunng transportation, with a sprn..,dl pal..kd� ng system nrr'l\/irlc.rl w h c:'inr.k ;::inrl nvi:>rh 1•ni'"ln i'"l--1 r<>¼rwc Die Fazioli-Fli.igel werden Ober ein Netz von Fachhandlern verkauft, die nicht nur auf den Verkauf erstklassiger lnstrumente, sondern auch auf fachtechnische Hilfeleistung spezialisiert sind. In der Tat, besuchen lhre technischen Teams regelmaBig die in Sacile abgehaltenen Fortbildungskurse. Die besonderen SorgfaltsbemOhungen gelten auch wahrend des Transports: das originelle Verpackungssystem verfOgt Ober StoB und Umsturzwarnanzeiger. Les pianos ta21011 �um d1stnbues par un reseau de revendeurs tr�s qualifies et specialises dans la vente d'ins•ruments de haute quaWe et en mesure d'assurer une ass stance technique compl�te; en effet, les technil.. ens des revendeurs part1c1pent regu �rement � des stages intens1fs de mise� jour organises dans l'usine Fazioh de Sac1le. Le soin pour I instrument continue pendant le transport avec un syst�me d'emba lage special et exclusif, dote d'ind cateurs antichoc et anti-reversemen•.




Worldwide. La scelta dei grandi maestri. Sono sempre più numerosi i pianisti di fama internazionale che scelgono di utilizzare pianoforti Fazioli in teatri, sale da concerto, accademie, conservatori e studi di registrazione. The choice of great masters. An ever-increasing number of internationally renowned pianists are choosing Fazioli pianos in concert halls, academies, conservatoires, theatres and recording studios worldwide. Die Wahl der großen Meister. Immer zahlreicher sind die international anerkannten Pianisten, die sich für einen Fazioli-Konzertflügel entscheiden in Theatern, Konzertsälen, Akademien, Konservatorien und Tonstudios rund um die Welt. Le choix des grands maîtres. Un nombre de plus en plus croissant de pianistes de renommée internationale choisit les pianos Fazioli pour leurs performances dans des salles de concert, académies, conservatoires, théâtres et studios d’enregistrement dans le monde entier.

Tavola armonica:

Sound Board:


Table d'harmonie:

Tasti bianchi:

WeiBe Tasten:

Touches blanches:

White keys:

Tasti ner i :

Touches noires:

Schwarze Tasten:

Black keys:

Tastiera, meccanica (Renner)

Clavier, mecanique (Renner) et marteaux:

Tastatur, Mechanik (Renner)

e Martelliera:

Keylxlard, Action (Renner)

und Hammerwerk:

and Hammers:

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- � -� � F/IZIOLI - '_' - . GRAND PIANOS



Peso Weight Gewicht Poid


Fazioli F156




Peso Weight Gewicht Poid


Fazioli F183




Peso Weight Gewicht Poid


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Fazioli F212




Peso Weight Gewicht Poid


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Fazioli F278




Peso Weight Gewicht Poid



Fazioli F308




[ Sacile 2001 ]

[ Roma Teatro Ghione 1998 ]

Dear Paolo, What a wonderful pianos you make! To me they are the beauty itself - they feel alive in every bit, providing more that any pianist could desire. Even in a quiet passages sound does not lose colour, and dynamic range between PPP and FFF is unbelievable. Since I bought my 183, in 7 months all the pianos I played were a disappointment, and only three provided me with a responce I wished; all three were Faziolis.Thank you!

To Fazioli, great producer of the noblest pianos,

Friedrich Gulda

Nikolai Demidenko


[ Roma 2005 ]

[ Pisa 2004 ]

Thank you for your wonderful piano. Warmest regards

To Paolo Fazioli With so much regard, affection and infinite gratefulness for the pianos he makes, always different each other, always the most beautiful.

Hélène Grimaud

Maurizio Baglini


[ Udine Teatro Nuovo 2013 ]

[ Sacile 2013 ]

To magic Fazioli! Thank you for magic sounds of your piano! I am in love with this piano

To Paolo: Amazing to see and hear the beauty and perfection of cosmic law/harmony are right there realized in your heavenly pianos! Thank you for sharing your gifts. We’re blessed to touch them and enjoy for a lifetime. Grazie mille With much admiration and love

Khatia Buniatishvili

Yuja Wang


[ Sacile Fazioli Concert Hall 2013 ]

[ Sydney 2017 ]

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“I am honored to play on new Fazioli piano which shocks from the first note with its depth and richness of harmony, radiance of tone and fantastic mechanism. The volume is full of breath and allows three-dimensional growth/descend of dynamics.”

Daniil Trifonov

Andrey Gugnin



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[ Sacile Fazioli Concert Hall 2017 ]






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It is ultimately the best feeling when this instrument informs me how to perform, in the most spontaneous way. Bravissimo! June 30th 2017

Lucas Wong

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