• Unlike other business documents, bullet points on a resume do not need a period at the end. The bullet points used on a resume are to highlight your qualifications, skills and experience and are not complete sentences but phrases. Therefore, periods are not appropriate on a resume. Action Words When composing a letter or resume, think of the position and skills required to perform the job. Include these skills in the text of your document and surround them with positive action words. Action
words explain the skills you possess, how you used these skills in the past and how you hope to use them in the future.
Action words convey team spirit, enthusiasm and accomplishments by producing a strong impact on the reader. Use action words to make your resume and cover letter more dynamic and persuasive. The list of positive action words on the next page is by no means exhaustive, but it gives you an idea of the type of words that should be used in your cover letter and resume. Additional action words may be found by doing an internet search. Remember to match your word choices to the action words used in the job description or posting.
List of Action Words for Resume and Cover Letter Use
Finalized Financed
Cooperated Coordinated Correlated Created Critiqued Customized Decided Defined Delegated Demonstrated Designed Developed Discovered Dispatched Displayed Distributed Diversified Documented Doubled Devised Directed Eliminated Empowered Enabled Enacted Encouraged Enforced Engineered Enhanced Ensured Established Estimated Evaluated Examined Exceeded Exhibited Expanded Expedited Experienced Explained Extracted Fabricated Facilitated Drafted Earned Educated Effected
Mediated Minimized Modernized Modified Monitored Motivated Negotiated Nominated Obtained Operated Ordered Organized Oriented Originated Overcame Oversaw Overhauled Participated Perceived Perfected Performed Piloted Pinpointed Placed Planned Prepared Presented Presided Prioritized Processed Procured Produced Programmed Projected Promoted Proposed Proved Provided Purchased Recognized Recommended Reconciled
Reinforced Reorganized
Accommodated Accompanied Accomplished Achieved Acquired Acted Adjusted Administered
Formalized Formulated
Repaired Reported
Founded Fulfilled
Represented Researched Resolved Revamped Reviewed Revised Revitalized Scheduled Screened Scrutinized Secured Selected Served Serviced Simplified Specified Stabilized Stimulated Streamlined Structured Submitted Substantiated Succeeded Summarized Taught Trained Transferred Transformed Translated Troubleshot Unified Updated Upgraded Used Utilized Validated Valued Verified Wrote Solved Sorted Supervised Supported
Generated Graduated Greeted Guaranteed Handled Headed Held Hired Identified Implemented Improved Improvised Increased Influenced
Advanced Advertised Advised Aided Allocated Analyzed Applied Appointed Approved Arranged Assembled Assessed Assisted Assigned Audited Authorized Awarded Balanced Budgeted Built Calculated Catered
Informed Initiated Innovated Inspected Inspired Installed Instructed Insured
Integrated Intensified Interacted Interpreted Introduced Invented Investigated Issued Justified Keyed Launched Led Licensed Located Maintained Managed Manufactured
Certified Clarified Collaborated Collected Communicated Compiled Completed Composed Computed Conducted Confirmed Consolidated Contracted
Recorded Recruited Rectified Reduced Referred
Constructed Contributed Controlled Converted
Marketed Measured
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