
Follow-up to an Interview A follow-up interview thank you is an important step in successfully securing a position. In some cases, the follow-up thank you was the determining factor in selecting the final candidate for a position. For this reason, you want your thank you to be a positive and professional reflection of your ability to do the job well. In today’s business environment, it is acceptable to send your thank your via email. Thank you emails should be sent within 24-48 hours after the interview. Although you may think it is a good idea to send your email immediately upon leaving the interview, it is suggested that you wait a few hours so that you may reflect on the interview and write an effective message. It is important that you follow the guidelines for sending business emails that are on page 37 of this manual. The following is an example of a thank you email:

Personal evaluation of your interview Score: 0 – I did not do this 1 – Needs work

2 – OK, but not great 3 – I was a superstar!

Results: 27–30 total points—Good Job! You were prepared and did your best. 22–26 total points—You did OK, but there is room for improvement. Think of ways you can improve your weaknesses before your next interview. 0–21 total points—You need some practice and more preparation. It is suggested you meet with a Career Services professional for assistance with improving your interviewing skills.

Some people may prefer to write a formal business thank you after an interview. An example of what a thank you letter should look like is provided on the following page. The body of the letter may also be used in an email format.

CCAC Job Search Manual 53

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