King's Business - 1931-07

July 193J


T h e

K i n g ’ s

B u s i n e s s

SEPTEMBER, 11 “God hath sent forth the Spirit of his Son into your hearts, crying, Abba, Fa­ ther” (Gal. 4:6). God adds to all His loving kindness this, that He imparts to His children “the spirit of adoption” (or sonship). We know God as our Father, we confide in Him, run to Him, love Him, and are at rest in His presence. —J ohn R. C aldwell . SEPTEMBER 12 “We all, with open face beholding as in a glass the glory of. the Lord, are changed into the same image from glory to glory" (2 Cor. 3:18). We find “the image” means the same complete character of the divine, so that the one who is changed is not only changed into the likeness of the One at whom he gazes as a mirror, but into the likeness of the One of whom Christ Him­ self is the image. —A. T. S chofield . SEPTEMBER 13 “He will abundantly pardon ” (Isa. 55: 7). Our human idea of pardon is far too narrow; we have yet to learn what God’s is, for we cannot gauge it by ours. “He is faithful,” not only to forgive, but to cleanse—and that absolutely. This is no conditional pardon; there is no term of probation—no stinted, grudging, patroniz­ ing aloofness^ on the part of the Blessed One—but a ready, eagerly granted rein­ statement in all the privileges of the fami­ ly, with its free and full communion. Let us trust Him for this, and go forth with unclouded brow from our closets, deeper in self-despair, indeed, but with the cer­ tainty that He has lifted our load, and that not the shadow of a cloud remains between our souls and Him. Let us be absolutely clear on this point, not as a matter of feeling, but as a matter of simple childlike trust. Forth, too, must we go to take up the work for which our experience of His grace is an additional qualification.— L ucy A. B ennett .

pass, like a laborer without his tools. Let others, if they will, preach the law and morality. Let others hold forth the ter­ rors of hell and the joys of heaven. Let others drench their congregations with teachings about the sacraments and the church. Give me the cross.of Christ. This is the only lever which has turned the world upside down hitherto, and made men forsake their sins. And if this will not do it, nothing will.-—J. C. R yle . SEPTEMBER 8 “In everything give thanks” (1 Thess. 5:18). If the joy which our affliction here is working out for us so far outweighs the afflictions as to be called “a far more ex­ ceeding weight of glory,” how very, very great it must be! Our afflictions seem too heavy to bear sometimes, and if the glory is so much heavier that God called our seemingly heavy burden “light,” what a tremendous mass of treasure there must be laid up for God’s people in heaven! “Eye hath not seen, nor ear heard, neith­ er have entered into the heart of man the things which God hath prepared for them that love him.”:';But we know that the greater the sorrow, the greater the joy; the heavier the affliction, the heavier and far more exceeding the weight of glory. Therefore let us thank God for His wondrous way which always worketh good for us. “In everything give thanks.” .-.r—L iving W aters . SEPTEMBER 9 “These were the potters, and those that dwelt among plants and hedges: there they dwelt with the king for his work.” (1 Chron. 4 :23). If these men felt it ennobled their lives and added dignity to their employment to be thus “dwelling with the king for his work,” how much greater is the privilege conferred upon those who are. laboring for the King of kings? We, too, are in­ vited to “dwell with the king,” and how­ ever humble or obscure our position in life, or how unrecognized by the world our work may be, yet in the service of our King there is no respect of persons . . . We rejoice to know that it is not the possession of great talents or the filling of a high position that opens for us the door into the Royal Presence . . . but that this is the privilege of all true work­ ers with Him, however mean their capaci­ ty or circumscribed their sphere of ser­ vice.—F. J. H orsefield . SEPTEMBER 10 “As ye have therefore received Christ Jesus the Lord, so walk ye in him” (Col. 2 : 6 ). Having received the gift of God, and having become partakers of His convert­ ing grace, then and therefore the divine obligation for service begins to press upon us. The Lord becomes an asker as s.oon as we have become recipients. “As ye have therefore received Christ Jesus the Lord, so walk ye in him.” Let conversa­ tion crown conversion; let self-devote- ment to Christ answer to His self-devote- tnent for you. — A. J. G ordon .

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