The Australian Commission on Safety and Quality in Health Care (ACSQHC) will soon release the first national Low Back Pain Clinical Care Standard Low back pain is a leading cause of disability worldwide. This burden is increasing despite a burgeoning number of treatment options. Back problems and back pain are the second most common reason Australians seek care from their general practitioner and one of the top five presentations to emergency departments. Early appropriate management of people experiencing an acute episode is important to reduce the chance of developing chronic low back pain. ACSQHC will be hosting a webcast to launch the new clinical care standard. A panel of experts will discuss the challenges presented by this common condition and how the standard will improve patient-centred care while reducing investigations and treatments that may be ineffective or unnecessary. This event is relevant to all healthcare professionals involved in the early management of people with low back pain, especially general practitioners, physiotherapists and other allied health professionals, emergency physicians, nurses and nurse practitioners. LOW BACK PAIN CLINICAL CARE STANDARD LAUNCH
The National Clinical Care Standards (ACSQHC) Describe the care patients should be offered by health professionals and health services for specific clinical conditions or defined clinical pathways in line with current best evidence. Play a vital role in reducing unwarranted variation. Are developed in collaboration with a topic working group of clinicians, researchers and consumers. Public consultation is also conducted before finalisation. Describe high-priority areas for quality improvement. They are based on areas of current variation, information about what we know works in terms of treatments, procedures and processes, and what care should be offered to a patient. Visit the Commission's website for a full list of National Clinical Care Standards in use and in development (ACSQHC)
Thursday 1 September 2022
12:00pm – 12:45pm AEST
Register to join this event
the extent of this hidden affliction vulnerable cohorts most at risk warning signs (pain, fluid, smell, over 30 days to heal) treatment options where to go for education and resources the economic and social cost of chronic wounds. Wound Awareness Week is a national campaign held annually to target awareness of chronic wounds among health care professionals and the general public, highlighting: Visit the Skin Integrity intranet site for helpful information and resources to prevent pressure injury, maintain patient's skin integrity, manage wounds and ostomies and more.
The NSLHD Weekly Bulletin dropped into your email inbox is where you will find the latest policies, procedures and guidelines (PPG) Communique. WHERE DID THE PPG COMMUNIQUE GO? Released weekly, the Communique provides information on; Recently published NSLHD PPG, Recently rescinded NSLHD PPG, Most recently published MoH Directives, Guidelines and Information Bulletins, NSLHD PPG Drafts for comment, NSLHD PPGs approved to start development.
Comprehensive Care Standard
Clinical Governance Standard
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