CoreSolutions: Improve Health By Strengthening The Core



How is your posture? Posture is an important part of everyday life that many of us tend not to focus on – Do you slouch in your desk chair, or slump at your computerwhileyoudowork?Whenyoustandforprolongedperiodsof time,do younoticeyourstomachstickingoutabit?Theseareallsignsofcoremuscle weakness that can affect your posture and cause pain in your back or neck. Your core muscles help you do a lot – from sitting, to walking, to doing a large number of physical activities. If your core muscles are weak, you may unknowingly be causing some damage to your body. Contact Core Solutions Physiotherapy&Wellness today tofigureouthowwecanhelpyoustrengthen your core muscles and improve your overall health.

Whatexactlyare thecoremuscles? Whenmostpeople thinkofcoremuscles, they immediately think of the abdominals. However, the core is made up of muchmore than that! In fact,yourcoremuscles includeyourabdominal, lower back, pelvic, and gluteus muscles. The group of muscles that make up your core help with stabilizing your body, constructingyourposture,andallowingyourskeleton tomoveproperly.When any of the muscles within that group become weak, your body experiences an instability that makes it difficult for your body to function properly. As a result,youendupcompensatingbystrainingdifferentareasof thebody,most commonly the back and neck muscles. As a result, this leads to undesirable consequences, such as poor posture, fatigue, inflammation, or pain.

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