Gratz College 122nd Commencement


SUNDAY, AUGUST 28, 2022 I 1 ELUL 5782

Our Mission

Gratz College advances both education and applied Jewish wisdom for the benefit of a diverse student population, the Jewish community, and all people. The College achieves this mission through accredited degree programs, scholarship, and public engagement.

President’s Message 122nd Commencement

Zev Eleff, Ph.D. Gratz’s graduates are changemakers. They shape minds in classrooms and incubate big ideas in boardrooms. They are women and men, like all our students, who have seen within Gratz College a learning community deeply invested in applied-learning and impact-making.

That last phrase is important. Our gradu- ates impact the lives of their students,

coworkers, clients, and families. An alumnus of Gratz’s Holocaust and Genocide Studies on the West Coast will reach hundreds of public school students, empowered by their Gratz training to get the most out of Elie Wiesel’s writings and connect those messages to humani- tarian crises in Darfur and Ukraine. Another graduate of that very program, situated in a museum, perhaps in the Midwest, will lever- age studies in curatorial design and art education to improve exhibits and access to nontraditional modes of learning. A graduate of Graz’s M.Ed. program will support literacy education for thousands of young people in their Pennsylvania school district. Another commencement participant, armed with a graduate degree in Camp Administration and Leadership is better poised to imagine a more diverse and equitable summer camp experience for dozens, perhaps hundreds, of teenagers. Graduates of our robust Jewish Professional Studies degree, like the counterpart in the Nonprofit program, will look to accomplish much of the same, perhaps in a social work setting or maybe in the workplace.

That’s the impact of Gratz College.

Sincerely, Dr. Zev Eleff

Gratz College 122nd Commencement

Processional Pomp and Circumstance March No. 1 in D Major by Sir Edward Elgar (1857-1934) Master of Ceremonies David Malter, M.A., Director of Enrollment Management and Marketing; Director, M.S. in Camp Administration and Leadership

National Anthem Star Spangled Banner

Welcome Zev Eleff, Ph.D., President

Welcome from the Gratz College Board of Governors Kathy Elias, M.A.J.S., Chair

Commencement Address Pamela Nadell, Ph.D.

Conferring of Degrees and Presentation of Diplomas Zev Eleff, Ph.D., President Honour Moore, Ed.D., Dean of the College

Hooding of Doctoral Candidate Christine Schoettle, Ed.D. Zev Eleff, Ph.D., President Philip Moore, Ed.D., Director, M.Ed. and M.S. in Teaching Practice


Gratz College 122nd Commencement

Student Remarks David Cotter, Ph.D. in Holocaust and Genocide Studies Faculty Remarks Paul Finkelman, Ph.D., Chancellor and Distinguished Professor

Alumni Remarks Heidi Omlor, Ph.D.

HaTikvah Led by Saul P. Wachs, Ph.D., Professor Emeritus in Jewish Education (lyrics, page 13) Benediction Rabbi Lance J. Sussman, Ph.D., Emeritus Chair, Board of Governors

Closing Remarks David Malter, M.A.

Video/photo montage from faculty, staff and Board of Governors


122nd Commencement Speaker

Pamela Nadell, Ph.D.

Pamela Nadell is the author of America’s Jewish Women: A History from Colonial Times to Today (W.W. Norton), winner of the 2019 National Jewish Book Award–Everett Family Foundation Jewish Book of the Year. The book was also published in Hebrew. Her book, Women Who Would be Rabbis: A History of Women’s Ordi- nation, 1889-1985 was a finalist for a National Jewish Book Award in Women’s Studies. She is currently writing Antisemitism, An American

Tradition: A New History, to be published by W.W. Norton. Professor and Patrick Clendenen Chair in Women’s and Gender History at American University in Washington, DC, Pamela Nadell won AU’s Scholar/ Teacher of the Year award in 2007. An acclaimed teacher, her courses include Antisemitism: Enduring Hatred, Holocaust, and American Jewish History. C-SPAN Lectures in History recorded her lecture on Antisemitism between World War I and World War II. A popular lecturer on American Jewish life, she has riveted audiences from New York’s Streicker Center to Los Angeles’ American Jewish Uni- versity, from Columbia University to UCLA, and has lectured abroad at universities in England, France, Germany, Hungary, and Israel. Past president of the Association for Jewish Studies, her consulting to museums includes Tel Aviv’s ANU: The Museum of the Jewish People and Philadelphia’s Weitzman National Museum of American Jewish History. Pamela earned a doctorate at Ohio State University, a B.A. from Doug- lass College, Rutgers University, and studied at the Hebrew University in Jerusalem.


Candidates for Degrees


Barbara Krasner Heidi B. Omlor Colleen Haire Simon Christi Ann Yoder

DOCTOR OF EDUCATION IN LEADERSHIP Lisa Rubinstein Richman Christine Schoettle

MASTER OF ARTS IN HOLOCAUST & GENOCIDE STUDIES John Anderson Kerrah Bennett Clark Stephen D. Kulla Hilary Levine Destiny Marston-Wetherell Courtney McQueen


Savannah Marie Parsons Catherine Noel Poynter Janetta S. Rogers

MASTER OF ARTS IN JEWISH STUDIES Ilan Michael Aldouby Iain Michael Little David Clemens Roesch

Jordana Saada Alan Steinberg Diane Trachtenberg


Candidates for Degrees

MASTER OF EDUCATION Meghan Sundberg Cahill Gema Cuffari Leon D’Agostino Rebecca Douglass Heather Marie Elsesser Cassidy Farr Sara Marie Grisi Lynn Hamilton Jennifer Lynn Hanley Ashley Harpster Heather J. Hart Amanda Lynn Henry Jacquelyn Danielle Higgins Meredith Theresa Honig

Kimberly Brooks Mason Von Muller Phuong Ninh

Elizabeth Padova Kathleen Poirier Brenna Powell Julian Ruth Regan Megan Marie Roth

David Michael Sandaal Cora Catharine Shields Tina L. Shockey Alessandro Siravo Angela E. Smith Christy Marie Starling Bobbi Dagney Strayline Todd E. Stutzman Kelly Marie Sussman Claudine A. Ursino Linda Wallsmith Jennifer Waring Elissa Ann Wismer

Andrea E. Keck LeAnne Kellam Rachel Kellie Marta Kennedy Allison Laura Leete Jan M. Levin Ian Phillip MacMillan Laurette Marshall

MASTER OF SCIENCE IN CAMP ADMINISTRATION AND LEADERSHIP Isaac Henry Black Mandy Elizabeth Goff Jaclyn Marie Pentecharsky Dani Alicia Robbins Emily E. Schafer

MASTER OF SCIENCE IN NONPROFIT MANAGEMENT Sarah Brammer-Shlay Gon Erez Arielle Orlow Hendel Joshua William Shenker Maya Spector Jacob Sztokman Meryl (Amy) Schrager


Prize Recipients

The Jonathan and Susan Rosenbaum Prize for Academic Excellence Sarah Brammler-Shlay

Gratz College Award Alysa Landry

Samuel and Bessie Starr Memorial Prize Jacquelyn Danielle Higgins


Camp Administration and Leadership Emily E. Schafer

Holocaust and Genocide Studies (M.A.) Catherine Noel Poynter

Education Lynn Hamilton

Interfaith Leadership Wendy Grodenchik

Hebrew Ethan Reddick

Jewish Professional Studies Michal Ilai

Holocaust and Genocide Studies (Ph.D.) Elie Fagan

Jewish Studies David Roesch

Nonprofit Management Jacob Sztokman


Scholarship Recipients

Benjamin and Dorothy Abrams Memorial Scholarship Elie Fagan Destiny Marston-Wetherell Savannah Marie Parsons The Moishele Bursztyn Memorial Scholarship Elie Fagan Courtney McQueen Elsie Chomsky Scholarship John Anderson Belle and Sidney Druitt Memorial Scholarship Jordana Saada Barton E. Ferst Scholarship and Helen B. Ferst Scholarship Heidi B. Omlor Norman E. Friedman Scholarship Isaac Henry Black Emily E. Schafer Gesher Galicia Partnership Scholarship Hilary Levine Iain Michael Little Catherine Noel Poynter Hyman Gratz Scholarship Elie Fagan Ester, Leitszen, and Eidlen Herbst Memorial Scholarship Catherine Ruth Posey JCC Partnership Scholarship Gon Erez Joshua William Shenker Judaic Lodge Scholarship Gon Erez Rebecca and David Karavin Scholarship Kelly Marie Sussman Library Scholarship Catherine Ruth Posey

Samuel P. Mandell Fellowship John Anderson Janetta S. Rogers Jordana Saada Presidential Fellowship Alysa Landry President’s Scholarship Mandy Elizabeth Goff Anna and Isidore Roseman Scholarship John Anderson Stephen D. Kulla Albert and Ida Shugarman Endowed Scholarship Debbie Lee Stillings Dr. David and Roslyn Sklaroff Scholarship Janetta S. Rogers Henry Speaker Scholarship Courtney McQueen Gratz College gratefully acknowledges the generosity of the Midcareer Fellowship in supporting the education of professionals in the Jewish community. Master of Arts in Jewish Professional Studies Michal Ilai Kara Lynn Rosenwald Master of Science in Nonprofit Management

Arielle Orlow Hendel Meryl Amy Schrager Sarah Brammer-Shlay Jacob Sztokman


Gratz College Community

Program Directors Deborah Aron, B.A. (Brandeis University); M.S.W.; (Yeshiva University); Director, Nonprofit Management Programs *Joseph M. Davis, A.B. (Brown University); Ph.D. (Harvard University); Director, Jewish Studies; Professor of Jewish Thought *Dina Maiben, B.A. (University of Utah); M.A.J.S. (Gratz College); A.C.J.E. (Gratz College); Ed.D. (Gratz College); Director, Hebrew program; Assistant Professor *David Malter, B.S. (James Madison University); M.A. (Montclair State University); Director, M.S. in Camp Administration and Leadership; Assistant Professor *Honour Moore, B.A. (Rosemont College); M.A. (Villanova University); Ed.D. (Nova Southeastern University); Director, Doctor of Education Leadership Program; Associate Professor *Philip Moore, B.A. (Syracuse University); M.F.A. (Goddard College); Ed.D. (Gratz College); Director, M.Ed. and M.S. in Teaching Practice; Director, Online Learning; Assistant Professor of Education *Ruth N. Sandberg, B.A. (Bryn Mawr College); Rabbi (Reconstructionist Rabbinical College); Ph.D. (University of Pennsylvania); Academic Advisor for Holocaust and Genocide Studies; Leonard and Ethel Landau Professor of Rabbinics

*Full-time Faculty

Executive Staff Zev Eleff, Ph.D., President Tom Cipriano, Jr., B.S., Manager, Business Operations & Facilities Lori Cohen, B.F.A., Director of Continuing Education Paul Finkelman, Ph.D., Chancellor Donna Guerin, M.L.I.S., Director of Library Services Naomi Housman, Ed.M., Director of Institutional Advancement David Malter, M.A., Director of Enrollment Management & Marketing Suzette Martinez-Quilles, M.B.A., Director of Campus Security Scott Minkoff, M.A., Director of Information Technology, Registrar Honour Moore, Ed.D., Dean of the College


Board of Governors 2021-2022

Executive Committee Kathy Elias, ‘09, Board Chair David Brawer, Facilities Committee Zev Eleff, Ph.D., ex officio Jonathan Levin, Esq., ‘66 Chair, Institutional Advancement Leon L. Levy, Chair, Investment Committee Sharon F. Liebhaber, Esq., Secretary Michelle Portnoff, Esq., ‘77, Board Chair Emerita Ben Stein, Treasurer Rabbi Lance J. Sussman, Ph.D., Immediate Past Board Chair

Bernard “Buzz” Eizen, Esq., Member Steven Friedman, Member Rabbi Albert Gabbai, Member Carl Goldstein, Member David Gordon, Member Shelly LaPrince, Ph.D., Member David Malter, Faculty Representative

Jonathan Mandell, Member Maurice Mitts, Esq., Member Zipora Schorr, Ed.D., ‘17, Member Emily Shore, Member Melissa Shusterman, M.B.A., Member Saul Wachs, Ph.D., ‘51, Member Jonathan Wallace, Member David H. Weinstein, Esq., Board Chair Emeritus Arthur J. Wolak, Ph.D. ‘13, Member


National Anthem of Israel: HaTikvah

Kol od balevav p’nimah Nefesh Yehudi homiyah, Ulfa’atey mizrach kadimah, Ayin l’tzion tzofiyah, Od lo avdah tikvatenu, Hatikvah bat shnot alpayim, L’hiyot am chofshi b’artzenu, Eretz Tzion (v)’Y(e)rushalayim An eye still gazes toward Zion Our hope is not yet lost, The hope of two thousand years, To be a free people in our land, The land of Zion and Jerusalem


GRATZ COLLEGE 7605 Old York Road Melrose Park, PA 19027 215-635-7300

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Member of the Association of Institutions of Higher Learning for Jewish Education. Member of the Association of Colleges of Jewish Studies

Accredited by the Middle States Commission on Higher Education

Gratz College does not discriminate on the basis of sex, age, disability, race, national and ethnic origin, religion, creed, sexual orientation or gender identity in the administration of its educational policies, admissions policies, fellowship and financial aid programs, or other school-administered programs or operations.

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