2025 EDVOTEK® Resource Guide



Cat. #S-30 How Clean Is the Water We Drink and the Air We Breathe?

For 10 Groups. Your class will make the invisible, visible! With this kit, your students will sample water and air and then grow any microbes present overnight. A safe and simple way to teach pollution. NGSS-aligned with MS-LS1 and MS-LS2

Complete in 30 min. and grow overnight.

Storage: Room Temperature. CLICK HERE For Experiment #S-30 Components and Requirements.

Cat. #166 Detection of a Simulated Infectious Agent

For 25 Students. An infectious outbreak requires prompt & accurate identification of the bio - logical agent. Often, early clinical symptoms are first identified in exposed individuals & then infectious agents are determined by lab tests. In this kit, students will transmit a simulated infectious agent (chemical dye) between classmates. The simulated infections agent is only visible under long-wave UV light. The pattern of transmission and primary source will be documented. NGSS-aligned with MS-LS2.C

MyLab™ Custom Kit #1219 Simulation of COVID-19 Antibody Test • Learn about antibody based detection techniques. • Perform an ELISA at home. • Understand current testing techniques for COVID-19 through a simulated experiment. • Includes controls, antibodies, test strips, detection substrate, transfer pipettes. RELATED PRODUCT

Requires 30-45 min.

Storage: Room Temperature. CLICK HERE For Experiment #166 Components and Requirements.

Cat. #S-68 What is an Epidemic and How Does An Infection Spread?

For 10 Groups. Infectious agents such as bacteria & viruses can spread rapidly through a population and cause widespread disease and death. In this experiment, your students will use colored solutions to simulate the spreading of a disease in the classroom.

Complete in 30 min.

Storage: Room Temperature. CLICK HERE For Experiment #S-68 Components and Requirements.


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