2025 EDVOTEK® Resource Guide



Kits on this page include the following:

Storage: Room Temperature Stable. Storage of Ready-to-Load QuickStrip™ samples in the Refrigerator is Recommended.

Instructions, Ready-to-Load™ QuickStrip™ Dye samples, UltraSpec-Agarose™ powder, electrophoresis buffer, practice gel loading solution, disposable pipets. All you need: Electrophoresis apparatus, power supply, automatic micropipette and tips (optional), white light box (optional), microwave or hot plate, distilled water.

45 min.

These kits require approximately 45 min. to complete.

Cat. #S-49 In Search of My Father

Cat. #S-46 Linking STEM to Agarose Gel Electrophoresis

For 10 Gels/10 Lab Groups. Your class will enjoy discovering the true identity of two boys who were separated from their parents a decade ago. Their mothers are identified by mitochondrial DNA and their fathers from chromosomal DNA. Will it be a happy ending? CLICK HERE Cat. #S-47 Linking Food Science to Biotechnology: Unlock the Color of Candies For 10 Gels/10 Lab Groups. Investigate how agarose gel electrophoresis unlocks the color code used by food scientists to make colorful candies. Students will extract colors from common candies and sepa- rate the dyes using agarose gel electrophoresis.

For 10 Gels/10 Lab Groups. Link important STEM concepts using Agarose Gel Electrophoresis. Help your students learn about the application of gel electrophoresis in DNA Fingerprinting, DNA Pater- nity Testing, Genetics (related to health and well-

being), or the detection of Genetically Modified Foods. These dyes can be separated in agarose gels and students will use core STEM tools to determine band size and utilize critical thinking and reason- ing skills. Four unique module options are supplied. CLICK HERE

Cat. #S-53 Mystery of the Crooked Cell

For 10 Gels/10 Lab Groups. This lab demonstrates detection of the mutation that causes Sickle Cell Anemia. In this simulation, your students will use electrophoresis to separate dyes that represent patient samples and controls. CLICK HERE Cat. #S-48 What is PCR & How Does It Work? For 10 Gels/10 Lab Groups. This simulation experi- ment demonstrates the process of DNA amplifi - cation by PCR and how the amplified product is detected by separating the reaction mixture by agarose gel electrophoresis. CLICK HERE

A fun lab extension involves the use of candy to build a DNA model. NOTE: Dye samples are not provided for #S-47 as students will extract their own dyes from colorful candies. CLICK HERE

Cat. #S-51 Whose DNA Was Left Behind?

For 10 Gels/10 Lab Groups. DNA obtained from a single hair left behind at a crime scene can be used to identify a criminal. In this experiment, your students will compare simulated crime scene DNA with that of two suspects. CLICK HERE

EDVOTEK ® Instructional Videos The following related videos are recommended for this section: https://www.youtube.com/user/EdvotekInc


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