Cat. #224 INVESTIGATION 8 OPTION Rainbow Transformation
For 10 Groups. In this colorful experiment, students will explore the biological process of bacterial transformation using vibrant chromogenic proteins. Students will use three recombinant plasmids to transform E.coli bacteria. The resulting E.coli will be examined for the presence of blue, purple, and pink pigments, as well as for resistance to ampicillin. Features our new enhanced transformation protocol for improved student results.
Cat. #109
DNA Fingerprinting by Restriction Enzyme Patterns
For 8 Groups. DNA fingerprinting examines highly variable regions of DNA in order to create a genetic profile of an individual. Criminal investigators use DNA fingerprinting to help identify individuals, place a person at a crime scene, or eliminate a suspect from consideration. Importantly, DNA fingerprinting has less than a one in a billion chance of matching another individual (except an identical twin) and is very difficult to fake or change. In this experiment, students use gel electrophoresis to compare crime scene DNA to the DNA of two suspects. Particular emphasis is placed on RFLP analysis, the power of restriction enzymes to detect DNA sequence dif - ferences, and the importance of combining evidence from multiple DNA locations.
Cat. #212 INVESTIGATION 9 OPTION Cleavage of Lambda DNA with Eco RI Restriction Enzyme
For 10 restriction digestions and 5 gels. Restriction enzymes are endonucleases that catalyze the cleavage of DNA. This process can be observed using agarose gel electrophoresis - a powerful separation method frequently used in molecular biology. In this lab, the DNA from bacteriophage lambda is digested with the restriction enzyme Eco RI. Students will digest DNA, run agarose gel electrophoresis, size the fragments using a standard curve, and compare the fragments to undigested lambda DNA. A great way to teach key research tools that helped launch the era of biotechnology!
Cat. #5062 Classroom DNA Electrophoresis LabStation ™
Includes: 1 Cat. #515 M36 HexaGel™ Electrophoresis Apparatus 1 Cat. #509 DuoSource™ Power Supply (100/150 V for 1 or 2 units) 2 Cat. #588 Fixed Volume MiniPipette (40 µL) 1 Cat. #636 Yellow Micropipette Tips (1 - 200 µL / 2 Racks of 96) 1 Cat. #130 DNA Fingerprinting Classroom Kit
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