100 101
NEW MyLab™ Electrophoresis Sampler Kit
32 28 28 35 35 35 35 37 37 37 37 35 35 35 35
Determination of Protein Molecular Weight
106 106
Principles & Practice of Agarose Gel Electrophoresis
Bulk Replenishers - Expt. 153
Bulk Replenisher - Expt. 101
160 161
Identification and Characterization of Bacteria How Clean is Clean? Testing the Effectiveness of Antibacterial Cleaners
Restriction Enzyme Cleavage of Plasmid & Lambda DNA NEW QuickStrip™ Samples only for 8 gels - Expt. 102
102-A 102-C 102-S
96, 117
Bulk Replenisher - Expt. 102
163 166 190 191 193 194 195 202 203 205 206 207 209 210 212 221 222
NEW Vax to the Future: Developing a Vaccine for a Novel Pathogen 77, 93
NEW Expt. 102 featuring SYBR® Safe Stain
Detection of a Simulated Infectious Agent
88, 118
Principles of PCR
NEW Forensic Escape Room: Design Your Own Biotech Adventure 36, 68
103-A 103-C 103-S
NEW QuickStrip™ Samples only for 8 gels - Expt. 103
Forensic Blood Typing Forensic Enzymology
72 73 73 74 42 42 42 41 91 93 42
Bulk Replenisher - Expt. 103
NEW Expt. 103 featuring SYBR® Safe Stain Mapping of Restriction Sites on Plasmid DNA NEW QuickStrip™ Samples only for 8 gels - Expt. 105
Forensic Enhancement Techniques
Forensic Toxicology
105-A 105-C 105-S
Mini-Prep Isolation of Plasmid DNA Isolation of E.coli Chromosomal DNA
Bulk Replenisher - Expt. 105
NEW Expt. 105 featuring SYBR® Safe Stain Principles of Gel Filtration Chromatography
NEW Bee-coming Royals: DNA Methylation of Honey Bees
108 109
Restriction Enzyme Mapping
DNA Fingerprinting by Restriction Enzyme Patterns NEW QuickStrip™ Samples only for 8 gels - Expt. 109
36, 70, 128
Southern Blot Analysis
109-A 109-C 109-S
36 36 36
Going Un-Viral: Quantification Using Plaque Assays NEW A-maize-ing Editing: Using CRISPR to Improve Crops Cleavage of Lambda DNA with Eco RI Restriction Enzyme Transformation of E.coli with pGAL™ (Blue colony)
Bulk Replenisher - Expt. 109
NEW Expt. 109 featuring SYBR® Safe Stain Molecular Weight Determination of Proteins
41, 128
110 112 113 114
63 60
Transformation of E.coli with GFP & BFP
See Catalog #AP09
223-AP08 Transformation of E.coli with GFP (AP Biology Investigation 8)
Principles of Thin Layer Chromatography
60, 127 63, 128
DNA Paternity Testing Simulation
34, 90
224 225 228 235 243 253
Rainbow Transformation
114-A 114-C 114-S
NEW QuickStrip™ Samples only for 8 gels - Expt. 114
34 34 34
DNA Fingerprinting Using Restriction Enzymes NEW Agar Art: Creating Masterpieces with Microbes
41, 70
Bulk Replenisher - Expt. 114
59 47
NEW Expt. 114 featuring SYBR® Safe Stain
DNA/RNA Microarrays
Cancer Gene Detection
38, 81
Ion Exchange Chromatography Diversity of Fish Proteins Bulk Replenisher - Expt. 253
110 107 107
115-A 115-C 115-S
NEW QuickStrip™ Samples only for 8 gels - Expt. 115
38 38 38
Bulk Replenisher - Expt. 115
NEW Expt. 115 featuring SYBR® Safe Stain Sickle Cell Gene Detection (DNA-based)
255 263 266 269 270 271 272 273 274 275 276 277 278 279 280 281 282 284 292 300 301 302 303 304 307 310 314 315 316 317 323
Purification and Size Determination of GFP & BFP Expanding Our Testing: Using ELISA to Detect COVID-19 What’s In My Lunch? Quantitative Milk Allergy ELISA
65, 111
38, 85
77 92
116-A 116-C 116-S
NEW QuickStrip™ Samples only for 8 gels - Expt. 116
38 38 38 38 38 38 38
Bulk Replenisher - Expt. 116
Introduction to ELISA Reactions
78, 119
NEW Expt. 116 featuring SYBR® Safe Stain
Antigen-Antibody Interaction: The Ouchterlony Procedure
79 89 79 79 93
Detection of Mad Cow Disease
AIDS Kit I: Simulation of HIV Detection by ELISA
117-A 117-C 117-S
NEW QuickStrip™ Samples only for 8 gels - Expt. 117
Immunoelectrophoresis Radial Immunodiffusion
Bulk Replenisher - Expt. 117
NEW Expt. 117 featuring SYBR® Safe Stain
Identifying the Epstein Barr Virus Using ELISA Simulation of HIV Detection by Western Blot
Cholesterol Diagnostics
39, 85
89, 108
118-A 118-C 118-S
NEW QuickStrip™ Samples only for 8 gels - Expt. 118
39 39 39
Clinical Diagnostic Immunoblot
Bulk Replenisher - Expt. 118
Affinity Chromatography of Glucose Binding Proteins
78, 111
NEW Expt. 118 featuring SYBR® Safe Stain
Quantitative ELISA
78 90 87
119 120 121
Genes in a Tube™
Investigating Human Health Using the ELISA
Ready-to-Load™ DNA Sequencing
Detecting the Silent Killer: Clinical Diagnosis of Diabetes Principles and Practice of Diffusion and Osmosis
Detection of Genetically Modified Organisms NEW QuickStrip™ Samples only for 8 gels - Expt. 121
39, 66, 99
121-A 121-C 121-S
39 39 39 93
Principles of Enzyme Catalysis
Bulk Replenisher - Expt. 121
Plant Pigment Chromatography and Photosynthesis Dissolved Oxygen and Aquatic Primary Productivity
NEW Expt. 121 featuring SYBR® Safe Stain
122 123 130
Detection of the Influenza Virus
Blue/White Cloning of a DNA Fragment and Assay of b -galactosidase
NEW Nucleic Acid Testing for COVID-19 DNA Fingerprinting by PCR Amplification
34, 77 36, 69
43, 64 44, 64
Construction and Cloning of a DNA Recombinant Purification of the Restriction Enzyme Eco RI
130-A 130-C 130-S
NEW QuickStrip™ Samples only for 8 gels - Expt. 130
36 36 36
44, 109
Bulk Replenisher - Expt. 130
Exploring Biotechnology with GFP
47, 61
NEW Expt. 130 featuring SYBR® Safe Stain NEW Using CRISPR to Treat Cystic Fibrosis
The Future of Biofuels: Alcohol Fermentation
135 140
39, 87
NEW Code Breakers: Using CRISPR to Rewrite Genetics NEW Hack the Planet: Using CRISPR to Terraform Mars
58, 87
Blood Typing
92, 119
Bulk Replenisher - Expt. 140 Blood-based Cancer Diagnostics Survey of Protein Diversity Bulk Replenishers - Expt. 150
92 81
In Search of the Cancer Gene
45, 82 45, 85
141 150
In Search of the Sickle Cell Gene by Southern Blot
107 107
In Search of the Cholesterol Gene
Western Blot Analysis (Polyacrylamide-based) GFP Transformation Extension: Colony PCR
80, 105
Simulation of HIV Detection by Protein Electrophoresis
89, 106
54, 60
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