Cat. #S-47 Linking Food Science to Biotechnology: Unlock the Color of Candies
For 10 Gels/10 Lab Groups. Investigate how agarose gel electrophoresis unlocks the color code used by food scientists to make colorful candies. Students will extract colors from common candies and separate the dyes using agarose gel electrophoresis. A fun lab extension involves the use of candy to build a DNA model. NOTE: Dye samples are not provided for this experiment. Students will extract their own dyes from colorful candies (not included) .
Cat. #101 Principles & Practice of Agarose Gel Electrophoresis
For 8 Gels/8 Lab Groups. Demonstrate to your class how electrophoresis separates molecules on the basis of size and charge. A safe, colorful, fast and simple way to teach a technique that will engage your students.
ALSO Available: Dye Samples Only in Microtest Tubes For 24 gels Cat. #101-C
Cat. #S-51 Whose DNA Was Left Behind?
Cat. #602 Agarose Tablets (Pack of 10)
For 10 Gels/10 Lab Groups. DNA obtained from a single hair left behind at a crime scene can be used to identify a
These convenient, individually wrapped tablets each contain 0.5 g of agarose. They are pre- weighed so that all you need to do is measure the buffer.
criminal. In this experiment, your students will compare simulated crime scene DNA
with that of two suspects. NGSS-aligned with MS-LS3-A.
EDVOTEK ® Instructional Videos The following related videos are recommended for this section:
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